MovieChat Forums > Actors and Actresses > Bill Nye, or Bill Nighy?

Bill Nye, or Bill Nighy?

Me and a friend got into a discussion about Bill Nye tonight. He claims that Bill Nye is the voice actor for the Speaker, an enigmatic video game figure in Bungie's Destiny: Rise of Iron. He sighted credit on Bill Nye's IMDB page and the IMDB page for Destiny: Rise of Iron, as proof. However, I can find no external resources to corroborate this story. Instead I see credit for Bill Nighty as the Speaker, and indeed on his IMDB page it says that he played the Speaker in Destiny (2014), and it also says this on his Wikipedia Page. My friend claims that is because Bill Nye replaced Bill Nighy with Rise of Iron. But the Speaker, near as I can tell, has had no new voice lines recorded for Destiny: Rise of Iron, and the voice sounds the same as it did.

Can someone fact check this? Is Bill Nye in fact the Speaker for Destiny: Rise of Iron? Or are both the Rise of Iron and Bill Nye pages in error?


Just an assumption, but I would think Bill Nye would consider such a thing a waste of time. But plenty of professional actors have done video games before. I gotta go with Bill Nighy.
