MovieChat Forums > Sports > OT: Nice Call Ah Fan...

OT: Nice Call Ah Fan...

another one of Ah Fan's "Predictions" failed miserably...

Doctor Strange just recently came out and its worth noting because Ah Fan made a very specific Prediction about the Film

Ah Fan guaranteed "Doctor Strange was going to be A HUGE FLOP"...Ah fan then went on to specifically explain why the film was going to flop saying "The movie is about A character no one knows or cares about"

lol Fast forward to Now....

Doctor Strange just Exceeded all expectations with a massive 85 Million dollar opening weekend domestically and A 325 Million dollar + global opening...

and of course has also gotten Excellent reviews and scores...

So It conclusion ....Nice call Ah Fan...

85 Million dollar Opening Weekend
325 Million Dollar + global Opening
90% On Rotten Tomatoes
"A" Cinemascore
Universal Praise
Guaranteed Sequel
Guaranteed total gross between $625-750 Million World Wide

lol ^ was this was you meant by "HUGE FLOP" Ah Fan

Of course I'll now post the saved thread where Ah Fan made his Horribly failed "prediction"-

Re: Rank 2016 Comic Book Movies by Box Office
» Thu Nov 27 2014 21:46:02 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since November 2005
Post Edited:
Thu Nov 27 2014 21:48:51
1. Batman v Superman (3 of the 4 most popular and most iconic superheroes in American comics history; the big-screen debut of Wonder Woman - this will be the highest-grossing CBM in history, until Justice League)

2. X-Men: Apocalypse

3. Captain America 3

4. Suicide Squad (a summer movie with a cast that includes Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, and Tom Hardy)

5. Doctor Strange (a November movie about a character that nobody knows or cares about - this will be a huge flop)

6. Deadpool

7. Sinister Six

PS, You regulars on the sports board dont need to tell me to leave or post somewhere else, I'm clearly only doing this to ABUSE Ah Fan...If you dont like it, fine, If you do, join in on the fun and laugh at Ah Fan...

The Admins will delete this thread soon anyways


"Seahawks- 31, Patriots- 0"- AH_fan


BvS will be the highest-grossing CBM of all time(Thats At least 1.519 Billion)-Ah Fan

lol ^ this Ah Fan prediction was only 600 Million dollars off...lololol


You have his quote on your main page and find it necessary to post about it on multiple lost sleep waiting for his predictions to fall flat.

While he slept like a baby...not even thinking about you.

Go take your meds and sleeping pills.


You have his quote on your main page and find it necessary to post about it on multiple lost sleep waiting for his predictions to fall flat.

While he slept like a baby...not even thinking about you.

Yes, I own billbrown7071. In fact, I've completely destroyed billbrown7071's life.

Back in 2013, someone wrote a post saying that Scarlett Johannson is over-rated and isn't hot. I replied to that post saying that I agreed that Scarlett Johannson isn't hot. billbrown7071, who goes ballistic whenever someone says anything negative about MCU films, got mad at me for saying that Scarlett Johannson isn't hot so he started following me around the many different message boards that I posted on IMDB.

IN the summer of 2014, I went on vacation for a couple of weeks and didn't have any Internet access to submit posts. billbrown7071 had been sitting in front of his computer every day monitoring my posting history and when I hadn't posted, he posted on all the message boards that I had previously posted on asking where I was and why I wasn't writing any new posts.

So while I was enjoying my vacation, billbrown7071 was sitting in front of his computer all day monitoring my posting history and just waiting for me to post. Moreover, billbrown7071 is so dumb that he doesn't even realize how pathetic his life has become, because of me.


I bet if something disparaging about Tom Brady came out during that vacation you would've found Internet access just to post about it.


You do realize there are other media outlets outside of the Internet don't you?
