MovieChat Forums > Politics > Harrison Butker says the world is horrib...

Harrison Butker says the world is horrible and to bring more children into it (full)


And yet another attempt by the cultural fascists to deprive a man of his livelihood for having the "incorrect" opinion on common sense matters. These people have a darkness in their hearts.

Furthermore, if you haven't already, you really need to wean yourself from sportsball, particularly if you're white. Stop supporting organizations that hate you.


Very much agreed.

I wish that I had followed sports, so I could fucking stop, they are such scum of the earth.


That reminds me of the joke about the Catholic Irishman living in sectarian Glasgow. When he's on his deathbed his sons gather round him and ask if they should send for a priest. He tells them, "No, send for a minister instead. I want to convert." His sons are shocked and protest loudly but he's made up his mind and insists they send for a minister. "Why?" they ask him. And he answers, "So that when I die, there'll be one fewer Protty bastard in this world!"


"And yet another attempt by the cultural fascists to deprive a man of his livelihood...

Furthermore, if you haven't already, you really need to wean yourself from sportsball, particularly if you're white..."

So, you wish to deprive this man of his livelihood.


Are you actually unable to see the difference between these two scenarios? Unable to differentiate between the petty targeting of a single man and a broad cultural shift?

The former reeks of authoritarianism while the latter is democratic in nature. I thought you lot worshiped democracy?


I am not advocating either position, but you want to end the livelihood of professional athletes because you don't like the politics of some of the players.


Actually when the behavior we see is allowed or even CELEBRATED by the various INSTITUTIONS and the owners,

it is more than "some of the players". It is part of the general group.

We have INSTITUTIONS that have expressed and celebrated disloyalty towards AMERICA and contempt and hatred of Americans, specifically white Americans.

So, yeah, I don't understand why we as a society are not turning on these groups and purging or destroying them.


Furthermore, if you haven't already, you really need to wean yourself from sportsball, particularly if you're white...

I'm not gonna comment on the racial aspect of this post....but removing myself from the fanaticism was one of the best choices I've ever made. Seeing sports fanaticism from the other side really opened my eyes what it can do to people and highly influence their lives.


Like so much of today's popular culture, it's jarring to be confronted by it once you've walked away. You can't believe such trivialities once mattered to you. I see normie dudes in the breakroom watching shit like the NFL Network in the middle of the off season, practically slack-jawed and drooling, and I can't grasp what interest they could possibly have in a low IQ discussion about a low IQ activity.


That's fine and I can understand being turned off by fanaticism and not being interested in watching sports. That doesn't really have anything to do with the OP, though.


I wonder if you'd approve of trying to deprive pro-LGBT activists and progressives of their livelihood in your ideal world.


I wonder if you wonder.


Simple question.


deprive pro-LGBT activists and progressives of their livelihood

Funny how these people are succeeding in doing that very thing to conservatives...


My point was to test for hypocrisy on the part of maixu.


Funny how these people are succeeding in doing that very thing to conservatives

^^^ This


I don't understand why White people are so keen on watching a bunch of blacks chase a ball around.


A human flea circus that promotes degenerate, anti-white ideologies.


Maybe it's time for White people to start organizing and fighting for their collective interests. It's ok for everyone else to do it, but when we do it, we are called White supremacists. Maybe we should stop giving in to White guilt and consider the possibility that White supremacy isn't the evil it's portrayed to be. But instead the ideology that built the greatest civilization in human history.


What sport is this that promotes "degenerate, anti-white ideologies"?


In this case we're talking about American football, but basically all of them at this point. Surely you've seen captains wearing rainbow colored armbands in your footie...after they've taken a knee in worship of a black criminal.


Don't plenty of white people play American football? Also, I thought you were saying the sport itself was somehow inherently degenerate.

>Surely you've seen captains wearing rainbow colored armbands in your footie...after they've taken a knee in worship of a black criminal.

I can maybe see the objection to the second. But why do you care about the former?

Should people have the right to wear pride paraphernalia in public?


A better question is, why do they care about it? What does promoting certain sexual lifestyles have to do with organized sport? I fail to see the connection.


Showing solidarity?

They're public figures and probably want to use the capital they have to signal boost a cause.

Should people have the right to wear pride paraphernalia in public?


Should people have the right to be naked in public?


Actually not specifically against the law in the UK. Not sure what this has to do with wearing pride apparel though. Should people have the right to wear LGBT apparel in public?


And if they have the right to do it, should they do it? Should people start walking around naked?


I refuse to answer your question until you answer mine.


My answer is yes.
Now answer my question.


I don't think people should walk around naked. I don't have a problem with laws against it, should they exist (which more depend on how the naked people are behaving rather than them being naked). I do support nudity zones and think there's no problem if its done in the countryside. I don't think it's comparable to someone wearing LGBT apparel or christian apparel, for instance.


I think it should be legal for people to walk around naked, but I don't think people should walk around naked.
I feel the same about LGBTQ apparel.


Okay then.


I'm glad your inquiry has been fully satisfied.


Don't plenty of white people play American football? Also, I thought you were saying the sport itself was somehow inherently degenerate.

The NFL is around 70% black, and it will
Continue to rise, but that’s a different discussion. So when there are social issues, the majority rules. In 2016-17 a lot of players were forced to protest the national anthem out of solidarity. The Steelers as a team decided not to go out for the national anthem. The one player that chose to watch from the tunnel, who was also an army veteran was caught on camera, and had to publicly apologize.

The same applies to the other causes the players wanted To push such as blm, Jacob Blake etc.

It’s not that the NFL is promoting this stuff exactly. It conflicts with the military sponsorship. They are trying to comprise with their players, and they gave up a lot of ground in doing so.


Hey, you gotta admit... mouth breathers really really enjoy when their favorite teams score lots of hoopgoals.


Why is basketball any less quality than american football or baseball or whatever the other sport might be?

What makes it any different to people watching American football?


Hahaha, you don't get it. It's okay, you're a Brit. Remember... we use the same words, but they don't always mean the same thing. 😉


You were obviously referring to basketball


No, it's how we mock pro sports fanatics in the US.

Basketball = Hoops
Hockey = Goals
Baseball = Home Run
Football = Touchdown

"Hoopgoals" and "Sportsball" are the basic generic insults...they can be used interchangeably for literally any sport.

It's also popular to exclaim 'HOME RUN!' when a football game is on and a team scores a touchdown, likewise, someone exclaiming TOUCHDOWN! when a baseball team hits a home run.

Does that make sense?


Okay. Fair enough.


Exactly what sport are you referring to, and why would the race of those involved in it matter?


What sports do you think I'm referring to?


No idea.




No. Most sports involve chasing balls around. Are you going to actually answer or not?


No. I'm going to leave it to your imagination.


The only example I can think of is basketball, which is not being talked about in this thread.

Can someone not, if they like basketball, watch it for the same reasons someone watches football or tennis or whatever the sport is? Why would the race of the people involved matter?


It matters if they are racist.


That has nothing to do with the actual sport itself though. You said, specifically: "why White people are so keen on watching a bunch of blacks chase a ball around" referring specifically to the sport, and those involved.


Maybe they would be more interested if it wasn't blacks doing the chasing.




I don't know. Maybe they just don't want to see any blacks.


Clearly people have no problem with it. Especially too when you consider football.


Many people don't have a problem with it, but some people might. Maybe they suffer from black fatigue. I've been hearing from a lot of people that suffer from this ailment. I haven't looked at the studies, but anecdotally, black fatigue is an increasingly significant issue in the U.S., based on my observations.


>Many people don't have a problem with it, but some people might.

No reason to think there's any evidence they do.

>Maybe they suffer from black fatigue. I've been hearing from a lot of people that suffer from this ailment. I haven't looked at the studies, but anecdotally, black fatigue is an increasingly significant issue in the U.S., based on my observations.

Source: I made it up


Are you calling me a liar?




What is your evidence for that?


You admitted you've got fuck all evidence and are just baselessly speculating about "black fatigue". You're just making shit up.

I also just don't think you're a remotely trustworthy narrator.


You are denying my lived experience.




So to be clear, you're denying that I have observed an increase of people online that say they suffer from black fatigue?


Yes, or that you purely inhabit far-right areas.

I think you're full of shit. This shouldn't be news to you.


So now you admit that it is possible that I'm not lying or making it up, but in fact, that my personal experience is real.
I never claimed to have any studies to back up my claims, in fact, I have explicitly stated that what I was saying was an anecdote, that it was my observation.

Now maybe the reason I was observing this phenomenon was because more people are suffering from black fatigue in the U.S., or it's because more right wing people who already suffered from black fatigue are simply being shown to me by Google and Twitter, either way, that is what I have seen online. If you choose to deny my experience then you're choosing to deny reality. If that is the case, why bother talking to me?

Do you think it's improbable that there would be an increase in black fatigue, especially after the BLM riots and all the DEI nonsense being pushed on people everywhere they go? If so, what is your source?


>So now you admit that it is possible that I'm not lying or making it up, but in fact, that my personal experience is real.

I think it's highly likely you're full of shit and/or simply surround yourself with other fascists.

>Now maybe the reason I was observing this phenomenon was because more people are suffering from black fatigue in the U.S

Black people have been prominent in basketball for a long time. Wtf do you expect to happen? Black people just not play basketball?

>Do you think it's improbable that there would be an increase in black fatigue, especially after the BLM riots and all the DEI nonsense being pushed on people everywhere they go? If so, what is your source?

I am speaking specifically in terms of entertainment, or sport, not your grievances with BLM messaging.


I think it's highly likely you're full of shit and/or simply surround yourself with other fascists.

Likely or not it's not true. But you believe it to be true because of your bias against me. It's clouding your judgment.

Black people have been prominent in basketball for a long time. Wtf do you expect to happen? Black people just not play basketball?

They can play basketball. They should just do it in Africa.
I am speaking specifically in terms of entertainment, or sport, not your grievances with BLM messaging.

It's all connected. Black fatigue might have been caused by BLM but is now affecting one's taste in sport and entertainment. What was tolerable, or even enjoyable before, is no longer so.


>Likely or not it's not true. But you believe it to be true because of your bias against me. It's clouding your judgment.

I have no reason to believe you're an impartial commentator whatsoever.

>They can play basketball. They should just do it in Africa.

About 13% of the US population is black. Why shouldn't they do it in the USA? They're US citizens. Why shouldn't they play sports, make music, star in TV shows/films?

>It's all connected. Black fatigue might have been caused by BLM but is now affecting one's taste in sport and entertainment. What was tolerable, or even enjoyable before, is no longer so.

Zero reason to believe this is a phenomenon of any note. You have presented no evidence and what you insist without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


About 13% of the US population is black. Why shouldn't they do it in the USA? They're US citizens. Why shouldn't they play sports, make music, star in TV shows/films?

We should take that 13% and give them reparations in the form of a one way ticket back to Africa. They will be happier there. They won't have to live in country founded on White supremacy. They will no longer be the victims of systemic racism.
Zero reason to believe this is a phenomenon of any note. You have presented no evidence and what you insist without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Those reasons are right in front of you. You are just choosing to ignore them and pretend they aren't there. There are people on this board, some of them in this very thread, who have already stated that they and people they personally know suffer from black fatigue. If you want to deny their experience then go ahead. But you're denying reality.

And please, don't ever quote Christopher Hitchens to me again. You don't possess the intellect or the gravitas to articulate his words.


>We should take that 13% and give them reparations in the form of a one way ticket back to Africa. They will be happier there. They won't have to live in country founded on White supremacy. They will no longer be the victims of systemic racism.

Most of them weren't even born in Africa. Go where? Why should any country accept them?

Good to know you continue to be a white nationalist fascist piece of shit.

>Those reasons are right in front of you. You are just choosing to ignore them and pretend they aren't there. There are people on this board, some of them in this very thread, who have already stated that they and people they personally know suffer from black fatigue. If you want to deny their experience then go ahead. But you're denying reality.

A bunch of malignant fascists on an obscure movie forum don't represent entertainment or sport trends at all.

>And please, don't ever quote Christopher Hitchens to me again. You don't possess the intellect or the gravitas to articulate his words.

Hitchens, a man who despised racism and fascism and authoritarianism would regard you as a piece of shit. And your fellow christofascist travellers on here would also hate him for being mean about their religion.

And I'll do whatever the fuck I like. You don't control anyone's life. You are sad little man with a superiority complex.


Most of them weren't even born in Africa. Go where? Why should any country accept them?

Their descendants are from Africa. That's where they belong. With their own people.
Good to know you continue to be a white nationalist fascist piece of shit.

Seig Heil! o/
A bunch of malignant fascists on an obscure movie forum don't represent entertainment or sport trends at all.

We are all around you. You can't see us because most of us are censored everywhere. But we are here. Millions and millions of us. We are slowly taking over Europe and the U.S.
And your fellow christofascist travellers on here would also hate him for being mean about their religion.

I'm an atheist. And only a cultural Catholic.
You are sad little man with a superiority complex.

Now you're resorting to ad hominems. Pathetic.


>Their descendants are from Africa. That's where they belong. With their own people.

And what if those African countries say no?

Plenty of people's descendents in Europe are from other countries too. Plenty of people born in Sweden might actually descend from Germany.

>We are all around you. You can't see us because most of us are censored everywhere. But we are here. Millions and millions of us. We are slowly taking over Europe and the U.S.

>I'm an atheist. And only a cultural Catholic.

Your fellow travellers on here, many of them are deeply devout Christofascists. Christopher Hitchens himself was a massive internationalist. A detail.

No reason to believe that the far-right, in bulk are are bloodthirty white supremacist fascist pieces of shit like you.

>Now you're resorting to ad hominems. Pathetic.

I'll call you what I like. I don't really care about your feelings.

Also, if people only want to watch entertainment from their own race, I'd like to see you explain the rise of K-dramas.


And what if those African countries say no?

We will give them bananas, chicken, and watermelon. They will say Yes.
Your fellow travellers on here, many of them are deeply devout Christofascists. Christopher Hitchens himself was a massive internationalist. A detail.

I don't mind. Christofascists will purge the Wokes from society, so I support them.
And yes, Christopher Hitchens was once an internationalist and a socialist. So was I. We both changed. He became a Neo-con and I'm still a socialist — just a National Socialist.
Also, if people only want to watch entertainment from their own race, I'd like to see you explain the rise of K-dramas.

There is nothing wrong with the occasional K-Drama. There is nothing wrong with watching the occasional black drama. But if it's all diversity all the time, then we have problem.
I'll call you what I like. I don't really care about your feelings.

No one is stopping you princess. It's just pathetic.


>We will give them bananas, chicken, and watermelon. They will say Yes.

Be serious. Why would they say yes at all?

>I don't mind. Christofascists will purge the Wokes from society, so I support them.
And yes, Christopher Hitchens was once an internationalist and a socialist. So was I. We both changed. He became a Neo-con and I'm still a socialist — just a National Socialist.

He never identified as a neocon. He never repudiated internationalism.

Are you actually admitting you're a Nazi?

>There is nothing wrong with the occasional K-Drama. There is nothing wrong with watching the occasional black drama. But if it's all diversity all the time, then we have problem.

But you've said that black people should be expelled from all forms of entertainment in the USA entirely (and presumably the western world). You've also suggested people only like to watch things dominated by their own race.

So why are k-dramas rising?


Be serious. Why would they say yes at all?

I'm serious. They love bananas. And they really love fried chicken and watermelon.
We can throw in some grape soda and an IMF loan. They will say Yes.
Are you actually admitting you're a Nazi?

Seig Heil! o/
But you've said that black people should be expelled from all forms of entertainment in the USA entirely (and presumably the western world). You've also suggested people only like to watch things dominated by their own race.

Correct. And once they are expelled and all we see is straight White people, then we can slowly start to allow a little bit of diversity back on. Diversity in small doses is Ok.
So why are k-dramas rising?

For a couple of reasons. 1) They are a novelty, its something different.
2) They have little to no diversity. So no black people.


>I'm serious. They love bananas. And they really love fried chicken and watermelon.
We can throw in some grape soda and an IMF loan. They will say Yes.

Back to you being like a child again.

>Correct. And once they are expelled and all we see is straight White people, then we can slowly start to allow a little bit of diversity back on. Diversity in small doses is Ok.

Hip Hop maintains strong popularity. Tons of popular modern TV shows and films contain within them, as a normality, black people (and other races).

There is no reason to think there's any fatigue here, fascist.

>For a couple of reasons. 1) They are a novelty, its something different.
2) They have little to no diversity. So no black people.

And also no white people.


Back to you being like a child again.

What's wrong with that?
There is no reason to think there's any fatigue here, fascist.

I gave you plenty of reasons. You chose to ignore them.
And also no white people.

The point is that the cast is homogeneous and is not black. It doesn't necessarily have to be White. People will settle for Orientals.


Nice work, curious.

You saw straight through Skavau’s tactical badgering and Hatchling questions and used him as your plaything.

Great to see people are on to his shtick now.

I hear what you’re saying about ‘black fatigue’, they’re a tiny minority and yet are pushed in advertising etc as if they’re 70% of the population.


Thank you sir. I wanted to give Skavau a little taste of what it's like to talk to them. Not as a joke, but in a real genuine conversation.

And yes, that is exactly right. It's the constant pushing of diversity. Not just by the media, but advertisers, and from academia, and the corporate state. I'm simply tired of it. And a lot of people I've been talking to online feel the same way.


Everyone I know personally is also suffering from that same fatigue.


Same. Everyone in my family and most of my friends feel it too. My mom, who was woke and worshiped Obama 15 years ago, is now throwing around racial slurs and complaining about blacks. It's fun to watch.


Did she find out how fraud Obama is?


Yes. I was a huge supporter in 2008 and by 2010 I realized what he was — a mascot of Wall St. and a war criminal. It took my mom a few more years but then she realized it too.
Obama is also the one who implemented Diversity, Equity, Inclusion policies in the federal government, which paved the way for DEI to spread throughout our culture.
This makes him even worse than a war criminal.


Obama Removed 500,000 Pedophiles from background check databases.

Obamacare was a medical front for human trafficking.

Obama gave Fauci and co immunity on all of their Bioweapons/vax research.

Obama legalized propaganda.

Obama set the stage for Hillary as their 16-year plan to destroy America.

Trump disrupted their plans for the NWO, or at least postponed them.


Obama abolished Habeas Corpus when he signed NDAA into law.
People sued his administration, they won, then Obama appealed, it went to a judge that serves the National Security State, and got it passed anyway.

Thanks Obama.


Obama had a real cult following.

It's no surprise that there were signs that he considered himself and by others as a possible anti-Christ for the NWO.


What "signs"? What are you babbling about?


Can you provide the slightest shred of any evidence for these horseshit claims? Especially this one: Obamacare was a medical front for human trafficking.


You are also a full of shit fascist whose opinion on anything cultural should be disregarded.


>You saw straight through Skavau’s tactical badgering and Hatchling questions and used him as your plaything.

And what is my "tactical badgering here"? I'm outright aggressive with this guy has he is a hateful fascist. He openly supports the mass murder of 'wokists'. You going to support that?

>I hear what you’re saying about ‘black fatigue’, they’re a tiny minority and yet are pushed in advertising etc as if they’re 70% of the population.

That's not what he means at all. He thinks black people should not be in any form of entertainment at all.

He is a racist, fascist piece of shit.


Straw bullshit. It’s hilarious that you expect anyone to believe your constant rewriting of history.

Nobody buys your BS anymore.


"Fascists will come to power precisely because of the economy, immigration, and housing. And once they are in power they will target the cultural left as they have always done. They will paint those who are on the cultural left, like the Wokes, as "undesirables". Those people will then be persecuted. Possibly rounded up and arrested. And maybe even slaughtered.
Now, If that were to happen, I would be there, standing in the crowd with a flag, cheering it on. Because a world where the Wokes are persecuted is a world that I want to live in."

He has also directly said in this thread that all black people in the USA should be expelled from the country. He is a racist piece of shit.


Are you now back to dedicating your entire life to following me around on an internet forum?


That’s rich considering that you inserted yourself into this conversation. Nobody invited you.


I don't stalk your profile and reply to everyone who posted to me in the last 24 hours.


Drop your bloated ego and just go away, nobody invited you. Stalker.


I'll do whatever the fuck I like. This is not an "invitation only" community. I don't answer to you.


Piss off, stalker.


You interjected yourself, as you accused me.


Piss off, stalker.


Every accusation is a confession seeming pretty true at this point. Your argument devolves to "no u".


It’s certainly true of your ‘stalker’ accusation.

Now, make a load of pathetic excuses for your stalking. Go…


Then why do you keep replying then?

And why are you replying to me in another thread?

Why don't you just put me on ignore if I'm such a bad stalker?


>Now, make a load of pathetic excuses for your stalking. Go…

Straight back to your childish editing.


Because the White people on the field are usually the ones throwing said ball to the Black people...


That makes sense.


Because we aren't racist scum-buckets like you.


Watch your mouth.


My mouth doesn't move when I type


I bet your lips move when you read, though.




"I know you are but what am I"- type answers sounded so clever in second grade


That's interesting because I was in second grade in the late 70's, and I think that's the last time I heard the term "scum bucket".


I'm sure curiousmind hears it all the time


This appears to be everyone's favorite rejoinder to Butker's speech. Given by a barren, 30-something wine-swilling spinster, with crazy eyes and girl boss/Tik Tok affectations. You see, Butker shouldn't have said what he said because he offended The Brand®!

Clearly this woman is far happier and more fulfilled than Butker's wife and is undoubtedly more mentally stable.


PJ-Cuck loves to tell celebrities off when they don't align with his ideals though. Tells them to stfu and act and that you shouldn't have an opinion.

Well, she's in her 30's and apparently because you're that age you have no eggs, empty egg carton.

I guess it's better than ending like this.


I'm a fan of Harrison after seeing his speech. He's a practicing Catholic and seems like a great young man.


That video of the former Chiefs cheerleader I can watch it on mute and I can see in her eyes she's completely crazy. Even her cats probably hate her. I'm guessing her day job is in a corporate HR department where she enjoys abusing her power.

In a league full of woman beaters, Deadbeat Dads with multiple baby mamas, and various other lawbreakers it's the Kicker from the Chiefs advocating for traditional marriage is seen as the bad guy. We are living in a 🤡🌍.


Ahh yes, the speech for conservative a catholic school, in front of a bunch of conservative catholics that made wokies around the world super-butthurt. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Yup. They so love to get their butts sore! Hmmmm.....


Not sure all of them were conservative Catholics there. I heard the nuns there weren't too please.


Not everyone is a leftist but they have to be subjected to leftist shit constantly, like every fucking day.


Well, the order in question is filled to the brim with aged lesbians so they're not likely to promote the kind of traditional male/female roles that Butker discussed. As Anne Barnhardt put it:

The cut their hair like men, wear clothes like men, comport and carry themselves like men, all the while condemning the very masculinity that they so pathetically ape. It is a species of self-mutilation, certainly more subtle than what we are seeing today in terms of people literally cutting themselves to shreds in order to masquerade as the opposite sex, but rest assured that these psychos would have gone full "trans" had the technology and culture permitted for it forty years ago. Because they are insane. Morally, spiritually, psycho-sexually insane.

They want to be a new "elite third gender" which dominates and is universally acknowledged as superior to the other two, defined by its hated for both authentic masculinity and authentic femininity. Just as male sodomites believe themselves to be an elite caste, so too do female sodomites.

Stop dancing around the obvious truth. These witch nuns are dying out because they are a bunch of revolting dykes, and no one wants anything to do with them. This ain't rocket surgery, folks. Just say it. To their ugly faces. Sex perverts are by definition "barren" and thus have to resort to vampirism to perpetuate themselves. In the case of the dyke nuns, they are so revolting that there is nothing they can do to entice even the most perverted and diabolically narcissistic young women. The Novus Ordo priesthood is dying the same death, but at a slower rate because male sodomites can be enticed to join up by the promise of available sodomy partners and access to young men and lads to prey upon. Old dykes aren't nearly as interested in genital acts as faggots are, hence the filthy witches really have nothing - NOTHING - to offer other than the total desolation of narcissism, self-loathing, and hatred of God.


This is a deranged conspiracy garbage rant by, from a cursory read of her other material, a complete and utter psychopath.


Anyone who earns the opprobrium of an evil sack of shit like you deserves further appreciation.

I look forward to reading more of Barnhardt’s work…


>I look forward to reading more of Barnhardt’s work…

You mean where she raged at kids for not bullying a 12 year old feminine boy hard enough after he killed himself?

She's a theocratic totalitarian type. Jack Chick worldview. Are you going to become a bible-thumping fire and brimstone psychopath? Because that's what she is.


Ooh some straw questions, you really don’t want people to read her stuff. She’s definitely worth another look in that case…


How is it a straw question? What is it you admire so much about this woman? You can look up her blog. First result on google. It's fool of conspiracy-laden, frothing-at-the-mouth near constant rants about LGBT people.

What is it you find so admirable about her?


I told you. Given that you’re an evil, lying sack of shit and an authoritarian censor - the worst kind of moral scum - anyone who incurs your opprobrium automatically deserves further appreciation 🤷🏻‍♂️

Now ask a load of typical, insincere Straw questions, as if this shitty tactic of yours hasn’t already been exposed. Go…


So is Mod4 then also an "authoritarian censor" since he removed your posts? Does that mean that any post removal on any forum constitutes being an "authoritarian censor"?

I also find the PRC repulsive. Does that mean you now appreciate China? I also find the North Korean regime repulsive. Does that mean they deserve further appreciation?


Everything she wrote in that passage, as uncomfortable as it makes you, is inarguably true.


It's baseless prejudiced ignorant horseshit. I'm not even just referring to that particular excerpt. The woman is an unhinged nutter.

I doubt that woman knows anything about popular culture. She's a psychopathic theofascist scumbag. A genuinely unhinged version of Mary Whitehouse.


Baseless? So you assert that the ranks of Catholic clergy are not rife with homosexuals?


I'm talking about her allegations and attacks against LGBT people and culture in general. I'm not that interested in Catholic internal affairs.


That's a massive amount of truth bombs.


The latest...

Kansas City fires social media person that soft-doxxed Butker...

KC Chiefs Teammates/Coach show support for Butker...

The Insanity 🤣🤣🤣
Woke idiots in KC wanting Butker to be replaced with female kicker 😂😂😂

Butker is writing the playbook on telling the Woke Mob to kindly fuck-off. I love it!
