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CCP funding anti-Israel protests

Commie marxists coming home to roost. The irony is if and once the West falls they're gonna lose all their rights that they so enjoy.


Are you high?


Europe, with Germany in the lead, will take over funding Israel and the banking and weapons complex. It will take about 100 years to break Europe as well.

They also hope that when Putin steps down the next guy will fire the nukes and WW3 will plummet Europe in depth to the Zionist banks.


"when Putin steps down"



Two types of "stepping down": Voluntary or Involuntary

He's not the only oligarch on the table.


He is what 72? 8-10 more years. The war will still be going strong for years to come.


Makes sense. THe protestors are clealy part of our overall decline.

The real issue is that we are so stupid that we keep "feeding the dragon" by trading with them.

Our elite is... suicidal idiots.


Protesting against genocide and ethnic-cleansing is a bad thing to you?

Someone said if you want to know how you would've acted in 1941-1945, just observe how you're acting now.


1945, the germans are being crushed. The homelands of the allies are secured, and german women and children are being killed in the fighting by the hundreds of thousands.

Based on our currect "acting" you would want to stop, allow teh nazis to remain in power and rebuild to launch another war in a decade or two.

While I would want to crush them and end their threat. I would not let whining about civilian causualities outweight the need for security for the people of France and Russia and England.

OK. Good hypothetical. Well done keelii. THanks for your honesty.

Question. What do you think the world would look like today, with a NAZI GERMANY sitting in the middle of europe for the last 80 years?


Jewish Holocaust. The subject is clearly protests against genocide and ethnic-cleansing.

For you:

You're welcome.


They are calling for a cease fire.

A cease fire in 1945 would have left the NAZIS in charge of a major industrial and military powerhouse.

Do you think that hte nazis/hamas in this hypothetical comapison would have/will stop being bloodthirsty savages? ie would nazi germany in the 50s, and 60s, would they have been good neighbors for the French and Poles? Would the modern europe they built be as nice as the one we have now?

People like you, would have built that world. People like me ended the nazi threat and turned west germany, now GERMANY into a civilized nation, that is not a threat to it's neighbors.

You know a lot of whiners don't like hypotheticals. I do like them, and I think yours was great. Good job. IT really showcases the bad on your actions and the good of mine.


Germany is a civilized nation, BUT:
Fuck all germans. Reasons:
1. Bad for business: too exact, will delay a shipment of a spaceship and 2 death stars if a missing screw that you ordered is not in stock.
2. They do perfect software/games but are too fucking stupid to do a well defined user interface
3. They overengineer shit to the point you cannot service anything, and not intentionally.
4. They behave like fucking robots. I can replace a german marketing director with a chatbot designed by a drunk indian in an afternoon and noone will tell the difference.
Yeah. Fuck germans


Germany is a SHITTY civilized country, no doubt. But compared to the NAZI GERMANY that Keelai would have saved if she could,

they look... great.


Shut the fuck up.
I am pissed that my shipments are late.
Who the fuck gives a shit what you think?


Obviously, you support the Nazis killing 6 million Jews. I'm not surprised.


Said the woman that would have called for a ceasefire INSTEAD of stopping the Holocaust.


Your family did nothing while mine volunteered to fight for freedom and democracy. You're welcome!

You and other repugnants, including your draft-dodger Trump, are scared of fighting and beg Ukraine to give-up. You also voted against military support for Israel. You and your cult are cowards!


Your assumptions about my family are.... just another example of how stupid you are. How fucking stupid you are. Go fuck yourself.

THe fact remains. YOUR hypothetical showed that YOU way of thinking today, if applied then, would have resulted in NAZI GERMANY surviving.

That is a valid point. YOU need to address. Flapping your gums about shit you know nothing about is just you trying to distract from that.


I know you Repugnicans cheer Putin while expecting Ukraine to surrender and you denied both Israel and Ukraine military aid.

I also know you refused to sign the strong border deal.

Thank God, you anti-American scumbag cowards weren't around during WW2. You would've been attacking Americans while telling FDR to surrender to Hitler.

You're a coward so I figure the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I notice that you didn't mention your family fighting in WW2, therefore I'm probably right.


I don't mention my family fighting, becasue... truthfully I don't think that you are worthy of discussing them. NO offense meant, it is just the truth. You brought it up.

Republicans are divided on the Ukraine for legitimate policy reasons.

The "strong border deal" was a bad deal.

And again, YOUR logic applied to WWII, would have had the nazis surviving after they got kicked out of france and russia, becasue of the civilian deaths from the fighting in germany.


WW2 discussion was about saving 6 million Jews from genocide. You brought up your pals, the Nazis.


You brought up WWII, and claimed that I would want...something that didn't make sense.

I pointed out that YOUR logic, ie that the aggressors in teh war, ie HAMAS/NAZIS, are driven from the land of their enemies, and THEN THE OTHER SIDE SHOULD STOP,

That is what you are calling for, with your talk of CEASEFIRE,

would have resulted in the Nazis SURIVING as a major power in the world. Possibly being the first to develope nuclear weapons to put onto their rockets. Mmm, just think how nicely THAT would have worked out for mankind!

As YOUR logic would be to let them survive and my would be to destroy them utterly, I would think that YOU would be more apt to be described as their "friend" then I who would support their utter destruction.


"Protesting against genocide and ethnic-cleansing is a bad thing to you?

Someone said if you want to know how you would've acted in 1941-1945, just observe how you're acting now."

Clearly, I'm discussing genocide and ethnic-cleansing. You're fixated on your pals, the Nazis.


Yes, you said that. I pointed out that actually, your logic, applied to that time period would have the result of allowing the nazis to surive as a world power.

And it would. The call for a CEASEFIRE, when the attacker is driven back into their own territory and now are suffering civilian causualities becasue the fighting is in their cities,

which is what you are doing now,

will/would result in HAMAS/NAZIS suriving as governments controlling territories with the ability to raise armies and wage wars and atttempt genocide in the future.

I happy with your question. I think that it was a fine analogy. I just think that you failed to apply our actual positions to the time period.

YOU are teh one that wants limited war, I am the one that in both cases would support the complete conquest of the bad guy's territory.


You're completely confused! You've been comparing apples and oranges.

The land belongs to the Palestinians. They are the indigenous people.

The Israelis are the invading colonizing European settlers! They have been ethnic-cleansing and committing genocide against the indigenous population for decades. These cowards are not fighting soldiers. They are slaughtering mainly unarmed women and children.

The Israelis cannot fight real soldiers - only unarmed kiddies and lady folk. The U.S., British, French and even Arab governments and military have been defending them:

"Arab Countries Defended Israel against Iran Missiles"


Typical lefty. You drop your previous point, but without the moral courage to admit that you were clearly wrong.


Nope! You are illiterate.
Take advantage of

You're welcome.


The thing is, you have to watch out for outside actors wanting to jump in on the bandwagon to sow discord and unrest in another nation, to amplify the violence and break that country within. This is the perfect opportunity for adversarial nations to take advantage of this. That doesn't mean the cause isn't just to some degree but they have in them mixed with those that want to see Israel completely eradicated.


True... but... watching out for that, is really the LEAST of the takeaways imo.

More importantly.

1. This demonstrates that China is our enemy. THey are doing actions which show that they identify as our enemy and are doing hostile actions against US. We should adjust our policies accordingly, specifically STOP TRADING WITH THEM.

2.This demonstrates that in China's analysis, that the protests, or the people doing them, are harmful and divisive elements in our society, that will weaken or destroy US in time. That raises the obvious question, ARE THEY RIGHT?

3. Sort of reflecting on point two, that the people doing or supporting the protests don't care that one of our enemies and most repressive governments in the world, is on their side. That's a bit alarming.


No foreigner has done more to destroy America from within than Australia-born Rupert Murdoch who uses his influence to divide Americans, spread lies and conspiracy theories and attack our way of life.

Let's not forget that Fox "News" promoted the election fraud lie which lead to Jan. 6th. We could've literally lost our democracy because of him. He should've been arrested and deported.


When it comes to Fox News you guys still live in 2003, when it was every leftist's boogeyman. It was Fox that called the 2020 election earliest, thus hurting Trump. The network as a whole is fairly mainstream on every story, and they certainly never promoted a narrative that the 2020 election was stolen -- even though it was.



"Fox News agreed Tuesday to pay Dominion Voting Systems nearly $800 million to avert a trial in the voting machine company’s lawsuit that would have exposed how the network promoted lies about the 2020 presidential election."


Conspiracy theories?

Hey, remember when people that complained about "shadow banning" were called cpnspiracy theorists and ridiculed?

That was hilarious. Especially when it turned out to be true.

On a dime the same people that denied it happened, then started defending it.


So you have to be a communist to oppose the killing of children?

When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.
- Dom Helder Camara


No. Where did you get taht weird idea?


So anyone against Israel is siding with China. Thats very interesting. There was another group against Jewish people IIRC, I think it was during one of the world wars. I can't quite remember who it was.
