MovieChat Forums > Politics > The slow decay and fall of the US empire

The slow decay and fall of the US empire

I wonder if this was what it was like during Rome's fall, bickering of idiots. I love how human nature plays out repetitive history in some form or another.


My claim is that 99% of my fellow Americans still deem us to be the greatest country in the world and the only free nation on the planet. Our might is unparalleled and we have won every war we have ever fought. We are by far the richest empire on earth and the opportunities here are endless. Compare any family in the US to poor and underprivileged and underdeveloped countries like Europe , Africa, London and Norwayland and we have an abundance of wealth and resources. The world looks to America in awe. They want to be us, have what we have and support the Jew in the same manner . Most countries are insolvent but here in the US we prosper beyond our wildest dreams.

America is a peace keeping nation!


The US hasn’t "won" a war since the Zionist run WW2.
This was intentional- since none of those wars it fought had a clear stated purpose & strategy. US government had no real understanding of the culture & history of the nations involved.


Biden defends helping Israel and Ukraine wars: 'For God's sake!'


Militarily and diplomatically the empire is flailing. It cut bait in Afghanistan, it lost Syria s “civil war”, it hasn’t managed to topple Iran, it is losing in Ukraine, it is being forced to withdraw in Africa, instead of containing China it is strengthening it, it has harmed alliances in Europe by bombing nordstream…

The world is noticing the thrashing, dying, empire and rather than take it on head on, it is aiming at its glaring weakness of soft power (the money printing to infinity) and choosing to attack that and watch the empire bleed out.

The list of enemies America has made are long and its allies dwindling and the Zionists are taking everything from us.


All by design. After all, we are nothing but goyim livestock.


USA has never been an empire. Who is the Emperor?
