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Movies you know by heart?

Which movie could you quote from start t'ill finish...or almost?

Whats your favorite quotes fom it?

For me it's Friday (1995) I saw it over 30 times and I know what each character is going to say before he says it.

There is a memorable quote every 2 minutes in thie one and there is some we all know.

I'll give you my favorites that are not as popular as '' I know you don't smoke weed...'':

-Goddamn! You've got to be one stupid motherfucker to get fired on your day off.

- Damn! Mrs. Parker finer than a motherfucker.

-Remember it ,Write it down, take a picture, I don't give a fuck.

-No sugar? Damn. Y'all ain't never got two things that match. Either y'all got Kool-aid, no sugar. Peanut butter, no jelly. Ham, no burger. Daaamn.


There's quite a few for me. But I'll go with my top 2...

The Shining and The Exorcist

Love all the quotes LOL!! 😂😂😂😂


A few but I'll say The Good,the Bad and the Ugly: "that so,no matters what happens, I know there's a brother somewhere who'll never refuse me a bowl of soup", "you became a priest because you were too much of a coward to do what I do", "when you have to shoot,shoot, don't talk". "you see in this world there's two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig".

I could go on.


Love this movie and those lines!


Big Trouble in Little China
The Burbs
Last Action Hero
Hot Fuzz


I rewatched The Burbs a few weeks ago and it was still great.

Big trouble was one of my favourite as a teen but it didn't held up as much as The Burbs.

Last action I need to rewatch but remember liking it a lot as a kid.

Hot Fuzz is a great comedy.

Some great picks.




Yeah, this one is on my "badly need to watch list".


But has a hard time guessing it in emoji form LOL 😂😂😘😘

And yes, this is an extremely quotable movie!!

Son of beech, sheet...




Jeremiah Johnson is one of my all time favorite movies, have seen it several times. Yet, I can't claim to remember much of the dialogue. One line, for some reason stands out in my memory. It was delivered by Bear Claw ( Will Geer ) near the end where he says, " You make good rabbit, Pilgrim. " It wasn't just that line but the entire context of the scene, which just seemed profoundly male bonding to me.


This is a great movie. There wasn't a lot of dialogue, right? He was alone for a good bit of the movie wasn't he? I think this is one of Robert Redford's best!




Same here, about the smiling, I mean. Yeah, I think this was one was on repeat. I think ABC used to show movies after the news, until Nightline, right?




Oh yes, probably CBS too. Carson was the best, wasn't he? Letterman was really my favorite though. I feel like that was the show I grew up watching in high school and college.




Oh God YES. Chris Elliot was so funny on Letterman. Also Larry Bud Melman. It was just so weird sometimes.




I can't remember that but I remember he always had a bad attitude. Loved that.




Some Like It Hot
My Man Godfrey


That's a great list. My Man Godfrey is such a funny movie. Carol Lombard is the best in this type of comedy, (To Be Or Not To Be, Nothing Sacred). I can see why you know those lines by heart.


The Big Lebowski
Fiddler on the Roof
The Searchers


This is another great list. This makes me want to watch these movies for like the 50th time!


The first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I saw each one 30 times or more in the, I'm not obsessed... 😂


The Wizard of Oz
It's a Wonderful Life
A Christmas Story
That's just to name a few....


A Christmas story, Yes!!
