what is a matt walsh?

a nerdy boomer who belive in imaginary friend. hate anything technological, hate video games, hate gamers, hate athists, hate anyone who dosent agree with his absurd far right view.

what also i find funny is that he made a movie about trans woman but he is still afraid to make one about tran man. why not make a movie that is basically the same called "what is a man" in which matt the xenophobe will spread hate against females who transition into males.

but of course matt the lunatic wouldent dare to do that because the actual reason for this movie existing is to brainwash woman into far right political views


Matt, along with the fan base who worship him, are sexually attracted to Trans-men. If you follow these weirdos on Youtube and TwXXer, you'll notice that they're not so much focused on women who transition to Men either. Their fetish is quite specific.


Non-binary sexual attraction equates to being a “weido.” Good to know that’s where the BourbonKing stands on the subject. You’re really enlightened


Okay. So can you define a "man"?


Okay. So can you define a "man"?

What an Unmanly question


What an Unmanly question

What a pathetic answer


You seem to know what a Matt Walsh is. So can you define a woman? What is a woman?


To put it simply he's a douchebag


Matt Walsh is someone you wouldn’t last five seconds with in a debate.


Did you check under your bed for far-right boogie men with penises?


Women pretending to be men is a non-issues. The best case scenario is that they pass as a manlet and are mediocre at all things men do. Men pretending to be women, the men have the ability to dominate most female professions.

I think its hilarious and we need more of this. This is some of the dumbest shit in history.


Boomers are people born between 1946 and 1964. Walsh was born in 1987. He's not even Gen X (1965-1980), he's a millennial. You are off by two entire generations. The rest of your objections are no more accurate.


What is a Matt Walsh? He's a rational guy who is articulate at communicating his logical point of view. That's why you can't stand him.
