Utter Garbage

One of the worst productions I've ever had the misfortune to see.

The CGI is made by high school dropouts on Amiga 500's.
The script if written by illiterates with dyslexia.
The acting is appalling at best.
Jesus *beep* christ who gave the OK to do *beep* "movie"?

Rehab is for quitters !!


I'm a quarter of the way through right now and I have to completely agree with all your points. This Is just dog *beep* The CGI looks like It was put together by a 1st year student at 3D animation school, 10 years ago. Not even video game worthy. When the jap sub surfaces It literally shoots up like a cork. WTF? Acting, horrible. Like 1st or 2nd take only. The writing and script are laughable It's to bad.


There's a scene when someone refers to a mix of males and females as "guys." Shows the writer is too young and dense to know that's an anachronism.


Wait...saying "guys" is no longer "sayable"? Then what exactly do you suggest we call, informally, a group of men and women, then?


Wait...saying "guys" is no longer "sayable"? Then what exactly do you suggest we call, informally, a group of men and women, then?

He was saying that it was an anachronism, meaning that the scriptwriter was applying modern verbiage to an era when it wasn't used in that manner.


Horrible on every possible level. I know Nic cage only does movies for paychecks but I cant believe he would be in something like this.


I think his choices are limited. It's either these kind of movies or porn. And male pornstars don't get much recognition anyway.


I just watched this on Netflix and it has Porn-level dialogue so he is basically doing porn already lol
