MovieChat Forums > Abigail (2024) Discussion > Does it make sense that Abigail. . .

Does it make sense that Abigail. . .

. . . more or less turned good at the end and allowed Joey to walk free? Is this character growth credible?

Earlier in the film, even after Joey had been kind to her, she seemed to have no interest in sparing Joey. After all, she's a fucking vampire who had killed so many people that there was a pool full of bodies in the basement, and clearly killing people is just what she does.

For her to suddenly change and show some humanity made me raise and eyebrow and wonder if that had been earned. Or to put it in pro wrestling terms, the face turn felt a little jarring to me.


I think it is to show that, even as a vampire, she still had a shred of humanity.


If that was the intention, I think they should have at least shown hints of that humanity earlier in the film. Instead, we see her only as manipulative and blood-thirsty, even toward the one person who was being very kind to her.


“PrimeMinisterX (8362) a month ago
If that was the intention, I think they should have at least shown hints of that humanity earlier in the film. Instead, we see her only as manipulative and blood-thirsty, even toward the one person who was being very kind to her.”

You must explain to me this “Being very kind to her” business. You mean the person who is partly responsible for kidnapping her by force who might have done God knows what to her or let the others do God knows what to her, but they were very “kind”? Yeah like Abigail or I, or YOU would give 2 sh!ts about that. Seriously PrimeMinister. Think about what you’re saying.


I was fine with it as they both worked together against frank. The pinky signified a bargain.

The alternatives would be
Abigail kills Joey, people are upset
Joey kills Abigail, people get upset because Abigail killed everyone else... even in a group attack.

This seemed like the best calculated ending.


I didn't mind it but I also felt like it would've been better if they had shown some bit of goodness in her earlier in the movie. It would help if we had an inkling of the fact that she still had a conscience and the ability to reason morally. But instead, even when we see Joey being kind to her, she is clearly intent on killing everyone.

I guess the one thing that might hint at Abigail not being evil incarnate is the fact that, as far as we can tell, she only feeds on those who betrayed her father and not on random people out in the wider world.


It started when Joey tried to call her estranged son, showing an attempt at rectifying her leaving him. Abigail's issues are the result of abandonment by her father, and upon seeing (we assume she saw) Joey reaching out to her son, she redeemed herself in Abigail's eyes. That Joey then joined forces with her to kill Frank sealed the deal.

This was an enjoyable movie from start to finish.


I didn't see it as her turning "good". She took a liking to one of her planned victims, and the two of them had to become a team to survive at the end. They bonded over that.

I don't think she really changed her ways too much, though.


lots of things didn't make a whole lot of sense
Those shutters should have been made of metal - if it was possible to break one up with a wooden stick and get light beams into the vamp, you got a real planning issues in your playground lol

Also - you know how that black dude got taken out? It was done in a second - without a sound. At no point did that little girl display that sort of ability during the actual fights. So, how did she do it? How did he get that huge wound on his face and neck without a sound and within a second? It made me think that there was an alien-like creature out there, but alas. Anyways, plenty of inconsistent BS in the film - it's a fun film, but it had those sorts of issues all over.


Yeah, the black dude seemed to be killed by a ghost or something. I was thinking the movie was going in the Poltergeist direction instead of Vampires


of course it makes sense... in a post radical feminist woke bullshit world. suddenly the girl who is a vicious vampire, who has lied the entire time turns good. give me a break. shit doesn't even make sense. the whole ending was just written for feminist bullshit.




You might have a point. The only two characters who do anything good or selfless are female. They're also the only two to survive.


The only two characters who do anything good or selfless are female.
Only if you think a female child kidnapper and bloodthirsty female murdering vampire can be "good"...


But the kidnapper didn't know it was a child before taking the job. They made that very clear. Also, she had a child that she loved. She was the one sympathetic character, and the bloodthirsty vampire became a lot less bloodthirsty when it came to her.


Get off your soapbox you fool. Yeah “she had a child that she loved” That didn’t stop her from kidnapping a little girl now did it? She HAD the option to say “no” and bail when she did find out. She WAS given that choice but did she still do it?……Well?……Yeah ok, I thought so. Would love to see that argued in court. You’ll get roasted.

Oh and Abigail became a “Lot less bloodthirsty when it came to her?” What movie did you watch? She was going to drink her bone dry, I don’t understand the conclusion you came to but I guess that’s just you.


BINGO! He (mel2000) gets it.


Nope, I was waiting for the double-cross as she left in the van. But I guess that means we learned something about Abigail and her father.


Is more about honor than mercy

They made a deal and she is respecting the deal

Besides, the producers know is better make her somehow likeable if they are considering make sequels and milk this cow to her dead like they usually do with every movie


"Is more about honor than mercy
They made a deal and she is respecting the deal"

I guess you're the only one here that noticed that they made a deal. That's why she was allowed to leave.

What a God awful movie.


It makes sense. Frank was gonna kill her, and Joey saved her ass. It was the least Abigail could do.


...and Joey saved her ass.
Joey was responsible for kidnapping Abigail and putting her in that predicament in the first place.


She was the lesser of 2 evils. Frank was trying to kill her. Joey wasn't.


Um, no, Abigail arranged the kidnapping herself. She was using Lambert to bring people (who had wronged her father) to a house that could be locked and sealed, so that they could not leave. She would kill them, one by one, "Until there Were None." Abigail has been in a child's body for 200 years.

That makes sequels a little harder, since she was 13 when it was filmed, and will look older as she grows into adulthood.
