for gods sake

stop it with the vaginas. holy shit. cant enjoy even a single show right now.


Manbaby tears! Cast: Jason Isaacs, Meredith Salenger, Lars Mikkelsen


doesnt matter. trailer is all vagina leads.


You're going to love it the most when it actually comes out and they are back here in droves complaining about the wokeness and the guys being kind of a pathetic group compared to the women and the men being put down by the women and not standing up for themselves.

You know they will. Manbabies,.


why is it manbabies to state facts? are we not allowed to criticize? you sound like a fascist or communist.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. And again.


I get it. It doesn't make sense. There are medias where men and boys are the primary viewers, they tend to be also repeat viewers. Anything Star Wars usually is dominated by male audiences. It would be smart to have more strong male leads than just "stronk woman lead in everything".

I also understand there are shows specifically catering to female viewers such as Orange is the New Black.


they're greedy and think men are already watching these shows and playing these games so they just ignore their biggest demographic and put in women hoping they'll get that demo too. well, i don't know about most guys but i'm severely turned off by what's happening and have skipped all those media. could barely enjoy horizon zero dawn. they kept making me flirt with the ugly fat guy.


I'm assuming it's an agenda. Since Star Wars is such a strong franchise, that they feel they can easily push it through such a beloved saga.


i think execs think they can court the female demographic with it so they hire DEI agents who are indeed pushing their own agenda. the real conspiracy here is i believe white women are just using people of color as a moral shield to put themselves in charge. it's not even about people of color. look at all the movies out now, white female lead, incompetent black male companion and some black females in leadership roles but it's always the white female lead.


"white female lead, incompetent black male companion"

LOL! The Force Awakens. Finn was insufferable. He was like Cosmo Kramer but not funny and just a goof.

Adam Driver was good thought. He should have been the lead character. I don't mind race, just as long as they fit the character perfectly and are not attempting to beat us over the head with it. Kind of like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Wesley Snipes as Blade, and Rain in Ninja Assassin.


Fucking Morons! The cast is on Imdb, mixed M/F. There are new clips besides the trailer.
