MovieChat Forums > letess

letess (1065)


Is anyone watching this - because it’s fantastic. Great series. The ending.... your thoughts. How I miss IMDB chat boards... shut down in 2017. One of the best shows I have ever seen Blood Diamond When is Season 7? One of the best things on TV Season 4 Fantastic. Still... View all posts >


This movie is far from great. Has to be seen in a theater tho. Best part of this movie is Furiosa as a child. If Miller wants to make more Furiosas, I suspect he will have trouble getting funding. As I watched this movie in the theater, I kept thinking how did the Cannes audience sit through this. The best Mad Max films remain. Road Warrior and Fury Road. Last Tango in Paris is worth a revisit. The scene where he laments over his wife who committed suicide is one of Brando’s best and Bertolucci’s. Actually, this is a great movie. A really great movie and it’s one of Brando’s best movies. There’s nothing boring about it. It’s not an action flick. It’s emotional and extremely erotic. When shown at the NY Film Festival in 1972, Pauline Karl said that that date should become a landmark in movie history. So, if you think he was pudgy in On the Waterfront, he was absolutely behemoth and a little too Capote for me in Apocalypse Now. Brando’s stature figuratively is enormous, but for this movie, it should not be literally. He’d have to eat all of the natives’ food or them and that alone would be the their reason for starvation or demise, depending how you look at it. But then who would play Kurtz? Kurtz’s story is straight out of Heart of Darkness, which was meant not to be as noble as you’re saying, but the horrible effects of colonialism. The natives’ heads on pikes, rolling heads like bowling balls, I don’t think that is a military genius at work. But we’re talking about Brando, not the character. The character was great. But I think Brando was godawful. Having to film in shadows because of his enormity, and he didn’t know the script and never read the novel were obstacles for Coppola’ when filming. When Brando said “the horror,” he sounded like Capote. I can’t help but snicker. For me, he was the weakest part of this great movie which I loved btw - I think he almost ruined it. I actually like the Redux version more than the original which was shown last year - the original that is, Scorcese’s 70 mm print. I don’t know. That scene where he breaks down the door and Eva Marie was in her slip was very appealing. Brando was a very sexy man. All the movies you mention. And Sayonara. The Chase. Last Tango was a great movie. And then came Kurtz. But did you listen to her music? Ever? Did you ever see Mad Men? What type of music do you listen to? Dysfunctional yes. Never repellent. Just wondering. I know you’re from the US (me too). You’d have to be. Because she’s from the UK. But even so, she was very famous. Your thoughts on Sid and Nancy? Nina Simone? There’s a reason why I’m asking. What are woke morals? What were the last 5 movies you saw in a theater? It’s a good movie. I enjoyed it. It’s been a while. Ok. If you’re not American, what are you? Where are you from? I don’t know where you are, but it has doubled here and you get the theater all to yourself. There’s no buzz, no vibe but also the movies are not that great. Did this home movie watching destroy quality in movies? Some theaters have gotten creative and have made their theater an “in-home” environment by making the seats into cushy horizontal recliners that look like inflated inter-tubes and then you get a server to get huge meals they bring to you. And you get a blanket. You look down the aisle and everyone looks like a walrus. People are getting really large. That’s AMC in certain areas. I recently went to see Jaws at a really exclusive theater because I just wanted to see a good movie. And it was $50 - no wine - ticket was $25 - the popcorn and drink were over $20 (but it was the best popcorn and root beer I have ever had) and parking $3.50. No one was there. I know what you’re saying but some of the movies are not that good to see too. Film buffs are not going to make the journey out for a mediocre movie. Top Gun Maverick was a one off. But, yes, that’s what I want too just what you said - shared experience, with an audience and a bucket of popcorn. But I want more than Top Gun - I want a real movie not just a well done movie that’s better than the first one. So, there’s that here but with the revival theaters or arthouse ones. They are not everywhere, but they are where I am. They show the best movies - some are old others new and others before their release date - and often there is a Q&A - good popcorn and a drink - maybe the whole things is $20. And there are a lot of people. Intelligent people. And sometimes it’s sold out and people wait in line around the block. There’s one a night and it starts at 730pm - you get out at 11pm sometimes. Huge crowds and you feel the experience. They’re starting to do this more and more around here. Why? Because they are making a lot of money, not charging a lot, and the experience is happening. It is night and day from sitting at home. So boring and not everyone wants to watch the same thing. You could murder over a movie. I think Netflix has a lot to do with this whole thing although they have had some really good stuff of late and are getting some movies I want to see shown at Cannes. The way it was, I don’t think that’s coming back. But you know, I do recall when I saw the last John Wick, we were all cheering on and that was a full house. It was a great moment. View all replies >