MovieChat Forums > alanparsons

alanparsons (542)


They're really going with Iris being a black woman now They made Jimmy Olsen Black because.... Should have been titled "Justice League: Story of the Diversity Character" "Asgard is not a place, it's a people" Back before they made the wizard black and they made Billy Batson a little degenerate moron. Another jew in another prominent movie role Some of the daughters of Atlas, a Greek titan, happen to be Chinese and a mixed brown girl.... Picked because he is jewish Leftists changing overall theme of Barbie from "be feminine" to "hate men". "her skin as white as snow" is literally from the source material View all posts >


The black female saying "Let's just ignore the big white dude in her house with a knife" reeks of woke pandering, where if they had said "Let's just ignore the big black dude in her house with a knife", there would have been never ending cries of "racism". You'll know when it's done when societal degeneracy has grinded to a halt and a large number of jews are in prison or permanently disposed of. What we shall do is continue to call them out until the jewish stranglehold over American media is crushed. Yeah, some people haven't been jewish, so that means the overwhelming representation of jewish people in hollywood should be completely ignored! Don't worry, it won't last forever. >Honestly, when this came out, no one, black or white, had a problem with the title. Either you weren't around when it came out or weren't paying attention. White people didn't like the title, and black people used it as an excuse to ridicule white people often. It spawned a bunch of rebuttals from white people like "black men can't read" or "black men can't stay out of prison". It's pro jewish propaganda to help them maintain the incredible amount of social and political power they hold. They will milk this cow indefinitely. Your entire rant reads like typical leftist whining. Stop sounding like a whiny woman. Go exercise. >It's as if Hollywood wants us to think that some men are just born that swoll and the rest of us should feel bad. You sound like a whiny woman. Go exercise. It's the world we live in. The liars are in control of the media and shout their lies the loudest - the only way to drown out the truth. But despite the lies coming out of the news, and entertainment media, and social media.. we all know the truth. You are significantly safer around a white man than a black man. No amount of their open racism against white people can change the reality. Don't worry. Nothing lasts forever. Even this power jews are exerting on various industries, organizations, and countries. When they've been thoroughly ousted, no one is going to remember how their cowardly defenders kept using the word "hate" like it's actually some sort of defense for their horrible ways. View all replies >