MovieChat Forums > SamNoyoun

SamNoyoun (4563)


I Want That Shirt She Was Great As Don Jr. Speaks About The Throngs Of Supporters Outside Dad's Trial 👍 Looked Good At Met Gala TRIVIA: Whose Favorite Show Is This? I Didn't Watch Justified Appreciation Post Box Office Success How Much Have YOU Lost? View all posts >


Wow! That's some classic 70s trippy tv action, I don't recall that one... "I've already taught you, you just don't know it yet!"🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don't know what that means. The only pills I take are Garlic, Vitamin E, and the occasional Advil... <b>"It actually started in 1871, but what JFK started, Trump intends to finish."</b> Wow! Is that a movie pitch/tagline? Call the screenwriters and studio heads because that's brilliant! I'd watch the shit out of that movie... Please, please, please elaborate on your theory, we wait with baited breath! Early estimates say this could be a huge flop... No one wants to see a middle aged druggie criminal, go woke go broke... Yes. <blockquote> if Trump loses then america loses.</blockquote> Actually, I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter who wins in November(and quite frankly at this point I don't even care,) the fact that the race is as close as it is means America has already lost... Also, thanks for the superb entertainment today, it has been truly glorious watching you folks melting down and desperately trying to cope! I can't answer your question as I don't really understand either! I <b>do </b>think it was the weakest of all the cases against him, though...Also, I agree with the TT brigade, this only helps him! Oh well, I guess we shall see come November... As far as I'm concerned it doesn't even matter who wins at this point, the fact that the race is this close means America has already lost! You must like this one! As Jeff Spicoli would say, "Awesome, totally awesome!" I wouldn't say it was necessarily a life-changing experience for me, but it was pretty darned cool...I feared it might not live up to the hype, but it did and then some! Wynn, Place, or Show... I would watch the shit out of a Duffy spin-off! View all replies >