MovieChat Forums > Best and Worst > Most Overrated Actor?

Most Overrated Actor?

Who do you think is one of the most overrated actors or actresses of all time? Whether it's for an oscar they didn't deserve or because you genuinely think that they're terrible at acting in general. It's all subjective of course but that's part of the fun. :P This will be a bit controversial but I've yet to see Emma Watson in anything where she wasn't cringeworthy.


Adam Sandler




You nailed it.


Tom Cruise


I thought the exact same thing! I can think of good movies he has been in but nothing about his role in the movie really stands out to me and makes me think, "wow, what an actor"


He was pretty good in a Few Good Men and Collateral. I think your comment though is more because over the last few decades he's mainly done action films.


Excellent choice


he was great in rainman


George Clooney


Two more votes for Tom Cruise.


Oprah, and Kristen Stewart.


KStew was ok in that Guantanamo movie. She gets a bad rap for Twilight but she´s not that bad. I agree with OP, Emma Watson sucks. I´m gonna disagree with others about Tom Cruise, he is a great actor, that gets berated for being an action film star, but he has incredible range.


What Guantanamo movie?

It's true. Outside of behaving like a feisty witch, she's a terrible actress.

Truth be gold, I've never actually liked any of Tom Cruise's movies, and after hearing about what kind of a dickbag he's become because of that cult, I can't really look at him the same way again. Yeah, he's good at what he does, but he's become very typecast as your generic action hero. Boring.


Can´t think of the name of it. She plays a prison guard at a Guantanamo prison and befriends a Muslim prisoner, I saw it on TV once, she wasn´t that bad in it. As for TC, I tend to separate people´s political and religious beliefs from their acting performances, so I don´t have a problem with him.


John Travolta


Urban Cowboy? Grease? Saturday Night Fever? I loved all those but yeah, he’s pretty bad. :)


Even though he is a big star, he couldn't make the Punisher a sucess. And I like that Punisher movie.


Keanu Reeves


Yes, until he did John wick a bit like Sylvester Stallone in Rambo and Arnie has the terminator they all suited these parts like no other actor could.

Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make


Not my top choice but he is a very poor actor.


Mark Wahlberg without question. He can play a clueless dufus great (Ted, The Other Guys, Boogie Nights) because I think he's playing himself but is atrocious when doing anything else.


100000% I fucking hate Marky Mark


"The Happening" anyone? xD
