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TV shows that started great but went downhill

For me...

Dexter - Peaked at the season four finale, went on for another 4 seasons, ultimately giving us the worst series finale in a long time.

24 - The early seasons were fresh and intense, sadly it became more difficult to suspend disbelief, and the reboot, LAD was just an insult.

Fringe - Season 1 and 2 were great, season 3, 4 and 5 however werent, it wasnt as bad as some, but it had potential to be far better.

Heroes - While never great, season 1 was good, from there though, things went from bad to worse.


Twin Peaks - when they stretched it out to two seasons and introduced supernatural elements, it went downhill in a hurry. And don't even mention the movie.


Sleepy Hollow.


The X-Files. Season 9 is unwatchable after one time. This year's revival was a mess and produced only one great episode. There is no excuse for that.


True Detective

My Top TV Shows All Time List -


It's pretty rare that any TV show lasting over 5 years remains fresh, so I'm trying to keep this list to a 5-season cap.

-I'm gonna get hate for this but the fifth season of Breaking Bad had way too many contrivances (Jesse piecing together the ricin cigarette mystery, the entire series finale climax) that took me out of an otherwise relatively realistic crime show. I'm not even entirely convinced why Walt kept making meth after he was free from Gus. It's like the writers just gave up.

-Twin Peaks. A lot of things went wrong after a short, stellar season 1, mainly the war between the creators and the network who wanted to solve the Laura Palmer mystery while Lynch refused; even though the show did indeed stumble trying to come up with new storylines after that (the James Hurley noir affair gets a lot of flack, but for me Benjamin Thorne doing the Civil War role play was the most fast forward-able subplot of season 2), considering how much Lost got overloaded with mysteries and conspiracies in refusing to solve the original big question, I don't think the could have gotten away much longer with never solving Laura Palmer's murder.

-I stopped watching it after season 2 so maybe it's gotten better but I could tell that Orphan Black was going to have the same problem as Lost, adding way too many conspiracies and mysteries trying to expand the scope after an otherwise cool first few episodes and solid acting. Too many flipping of allegiances and not enough consistency for how much danger the clones are in were the first red flags that the show probably won't be able to support itself for much longer.

There's something I know when I'm with you that I forget when I'm away


It's tough, but you need to see the final few episodes of TWIN PEAKS. The beginning and middle of season two was tough to get through, but the ending is so worth it. Now would be a great time to reacquaint yourself with the series since it is to return to the small screen in April 2017.

"Whither is fled the visionary gleam? Where is it now, the glory and the dream?"


Yeah, I did finish Twin Peaks, and it does find its footing again with the Windom Earle storyline (that de facto series finale was pure Lynch in a great way) but I don't think it was ever going to be as great as its beginnings, which is probably part of its design. As much as I await the revival series of Twin Peaks, I'm also taking my excitement with a grain of salt; like The X Files, I'm a bit fearful it's going to be a show that we should all just let lie because its continued revivals will never be as good as the original canon.

There's something I know when I'm with you that I forget when I'm away
