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Is 'The Place Promised in Our Early Days' budget really $20,000?

I know that Makoto Shinkai films are known for low budget, but I thought that film would have about $700,000 budget instead of mere $20,000.

Does anyone know what the budget of this film? And if you do, can you provide a source?


Where did you see $20,000? I can't find any information on its budget, even after a fairly extensive Google search, but that figure seems highly, HIGHLY unlikely.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


From some sort of South Korean article, which might've been misinterpreted.


That definitely seems like a misinterpretation. Most individual anime episodes cost more than that. You have to take into account how many people are on staff at any given time to do all the different jobs behind the scenes, so there are a lot of people that need to get paid (including actors). Then there's the cost of the animation itself, which varies depending on the amount of people who do the drawings and how many computers are involved. It's impossible to make a feature length animated film of that quality for that amount.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


Good point.

Speaking of which, do you think my prediction sounds more reasonable? Remember, Shinkai is known for keeping the budget low.


5 Centimetres Per Second was made for less than that, so considering it was made later in his career when he likely would have had more resources, it's not unfathomable that The Place Promised in Our Early Days could have been made for under $700,000.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


I kind of thought that 'The Place Promised in Our Early Days' would cost more than '5 Centimeters Per Second' because:
1. The former is 30 minutes longer than the latter.
2. The latter is basically 3 films combined in one.
3. The former probably needed more artworks and things like that due to its sci-fi/alternative history genre.
