MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > why delusional stupidity must die...

why delusional stupidity must die...

Anything DOESN'T go. That is not how the real world works... IE world filled with a majority of NORMAL people. The ABNORMALS can do whatever the hell they want to, as long as they are not hurting themselve or others. Just don't expect us to accept it as normal.
[look up definition of normal if needed]

WE are the majority - that's what majority means - that will never change.

You do you... just keep it to yourself LIKE THE REST OF US DO EVERY DAY.

Here's a perfect example of what I am talking about and why 'delusion' needs shut down for peoples' own good.
Gal whines about full face tatoos and peircings cost her a job.
Yes. Yes, that will cause that. Because: majority. The majority of us do not do that, NEVER WILL, and don't accept it.
Makes her look like a messed up, fuck up, that will make very bad decisions for her whole life.
This is how it is seen. And that will never change.
The article skirts around it, like that wasn't the reason, but, yeah, that is the reason. Like I stated above how it is seen. It is. And it is what it is.


You do you... just keep it to yourself LIKE THE REST OF US DO EVERY DAY.

THIS is why delusional stupidity must die. Bring it up, call it out, smack it back to reality.
For EVERYONE'S sake.

PS I'm not against tatoos, not at all, not against this girls personal choice for a look, just don't expect REALITY to BEND JUST FOR YOU. It doesn't work like this.


read the "COMMENTS" on that article for better understanding of the issue


Sometimes I pee in the bushes rather than go all the way into the house. It’s possible that I’m abnormal but I will not stop peeing in the bushes.



Does that hurt you, or anyone else, or ruin your employment possibilities?


Oddly enough I’m super professional on a work day, highly regarded even…but I do pee in the shrubbery and I won’t apologize.


Good deal. You should share it more on social media and stuff... you know... make more people aware and accept you. You can make this a world of shrub pee'ers. Maybe. :D

Normalize that abnormal!!!


I don’t require an audience.
Just shooting from the hip here.


But you crave that audience for validation. Don't deny it, you bush pee'r, you.
... maybe get some laws passed too...


They can take my dick from my cold dead fingers!
I’m going to go pee on a Holly bush, excuse me.


hahahaha I snorted my milk on that, thank you!




I prefer a lady with no bush…wait, what was this thread about!?!


Every guy I know in Florida, especially those who are on acreage whizzes in the bushes, side of the road, etc. When my now deceased husband was out on his tractor, mowing, bush hogging, etc, with a beer in one hand he would always stop to whiz in the bushes. I didn’t want him coming into the house tracking in debris to walk to the john. 😡


One of my rules has been to always live in a place where I can piss or shoot a gun off my back porch. :)


He was able to do both when first moving onto the property. Eventually homes were being built closer & closer. We were still in the county (permitted to fire a weapon), but neighbors would call the sheriff. It wasn’t worth the hassle so the firearms weren’t used any longer unless it was for a snake. Later we were annexed into the city which led to NO discharging of firearms.


Yeah, I know just what you mean. My little spot is building up too, not in city limits, but it’s getting too populated for me. I plan on cashing in at some point and moving out in the middle of nowhere. :)


There’s not too many places left for that freedom in the eastern U.S. Especially in Florida where I live. Osceola County, Florida is the fastest growing county in the country. I think everybody in the country is moving to Florida, Texas & North Carolina. Maybe it’s still open in the upper mid-west or North Canada.


This needs a whole new thread, as I too pee in bushes and in other places.


I pee in the bushes when camping or hiking, but it's just not as convenient for me.




Where else am I supposed to go?




She looks like a damn FREAK! She should apply as a carny worker. 🤢


Deviating from societal norms, as seen in the woman with face tattoos, is not the same as being delusional. I’m not sure where you're seeing a connection. Unless you’re saying she’s delusional for expecting to get a customer service job after getting her face covered in tattoos? That is still not a delusion; it’s just extremely naïve. You’re throwing these words around far too liberally, in my opinion.

Regarding things being normalized; norms change over time. There are things about you right now that would have been viewed as socially deviant and abnormal 100 years ago but are completely normal now. 100 years from now, face tattoos will likely not be seen as socially deviant, and so what? How are face tattoos harming you or me? And for the record, I do not have a single tattoo anywhere and don’t plan on getting one.

Not everything should be normalized; I agree with you on that, especially things that harm people. Most harmful behaviors don’t become normalized because of their negative impacts. Likewise, there are things that used to be ‘normal’ that did, in fact, harm people, and they no longer are accepted as normal, e.g., slavery, beating your spouse, beating your children, and so on.


THINKING you can get a job you are applying for looking very off IS dilusional.


THINKING you can get a job you are applying for looking very off IS dilusional.

No, thinking you can get a job you are applying for is quite literally not delusional.


The People of Stupid are everywhere.


Did you read the article you shared?

It was brought up in more than one place that it may have been her attitude which lost her the job. Considering the number of people who are tattooed out there I think your comment of

Because: majority. The majority of us do not do that, NEVER WILL, and don't accept it.
doesn't really ring true.

You are saying that she suffers from "delusional stupidity". Fine. She may not truly get the issue. Also, if you watch her whole video she says she was rejected because according to TJ Maxx she didn't have enough experience. She's wondering how you get experience if you can't get a job. It's a valid concern.

Now honestly, I think her attitude is why she didn't get the job, especially watching her follow up video on it, but no where does she really seem delusional like you imply. She knows her tattoos are off putting for some people. I honestly don't know what sort of clothes TJ Maxx sells as I've never been in one, but I'm sure she'd be welcome at a place like Hot Topic or Spensers.

Also...You keep thinking that you are in the majority of every opinion you have. Isn't that also a form of delusion?


First, shocking you still converse with me, but that speaks volumes about your maturity and I truly appreciate that you can move on and still have discussions about these weird things. I mean that. Thank you. :) You are actually a good thinker and I appreciate being pushed like you do.

I tend to side with MAJORITY opinions, yes, they are easy to see and figure out because, well, it is the majority. Usually, the majority is quieter and the non-majority make more noise in hoping to up their numbers but that doesn't work.
The majority is not the delusion, because, by default, they end up defining normalcy, whether we like it or not. We could literally say everyone is delusional, but really, it would be defined in majority case:

The majority of people don't believe they are a tree.
People who believe that are delusional.

characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition.


Thank you for the comment you made. I've said before that I don't dislike you, I just disagree with you a lot. I don't want to live in an echo chamber, as that isn't beneficial to anyone. I appreciate that you don't get nasty when we disagree. It means a lot.


You make more noise than most people here, so I'd hardly agree with you on that point. :) are giving me the definition of delusion, but you are ignoring everything that I said about the woman who you called delusional. I don't think she's delusional. She said that she knows that her tattoos are an issue. She doesn't believe she's a tree. I think she has a shitty attitude, and if she talked to me the way she talks in her videos I wouldn't hire her either, and I don't give a crap about her tattoos.

In regards to the other topic we've been discussing, and even this one...I will question where the evidence is? I mean you send me a definition which has the words "incontrovertible evidence to the contrary", yet when I've asked for evidence, and not anecdotes, you have yet to provide them.



busy ATM, but I will later deep dive the interest in evidence and get back to you.
i must have missed part of your questions there -- or sometimes I get bored and move on. Topics older than 2 days go sour or off path real fast and become pointless




long and short of it: the easy evidence is personal normal life experience itself, yours, mine, REALITY.... I used this specific story target as an example if the issue: crazy tatted wants job, goes south, although, yes, the full article goes other directions with its narrative.

Maybe it is her tude, tottaly agree. But the article props it up like crazy face tatted person doesn't get job.
I'm not going to award her revenue clicks by watching her silly tik tok or whatever.... it's very plain to see that she has problems.... problems mean not facing reality of situation... not facing reality means delusional.

Delusional is making life choices and believing you are above the consequences of it. That's not living in reality.

To balance my points and perspective, as evidence, I give you EXHIBIT 'A', the jury of our peers:
Click the little CHAT BUBBLE icon, 4th down on the left, and read how others in the real world are responding to the delusionary. It is very interesting and telling of reality vs non reality.


I think you are using delusional a little too freely here. I mean you said you weren't going to watch her video, so you aren't getting her words, just the words of news source that is interested in getting your clicks. So your evidence isn't really solid. My whole comment here is that I don't think she's "delusional". I think true delusions need to be diagnosed by psychiatric professionals, which neither you, nor I am.

Now I'm not arguing with you about her being out of touch, like I said, I did watch her, and I think her attitude stinks, facial tattoos or not.

I don't think that a "jury of our peers" is evidence either. That's opinion. Opinions aren't evidence. I never said you were alone in your opinion about her tats. I do think that tattoos are really popular with younger people, so their experiences are probably different than yours or mine. My own personal experience, which isn't evidence, is just that don't judge people by their appearance. So I don't. I judge people on their actions, and attitude. This particular woman's is pretty shitty.


well now I am interested in watching her stupid videos! :D You are probably right in my using delusion too freely, I can admit that is possible... still in my mind the word fits as defined.
another aspect is HOW do we define delusional or mental illness? It needs a solid definition, "Not admitting reality" that doesn't slide when the people want it to. For example, if 90% of the people stop facing REALITY, does this change the definition to fit society? I say no, we don't change these terms for the whims of the people, majority or not, because not facing reality is NOT FACING REALITY even if a ton of people do it. It is still wrong, "delusional", and unhelpful to all of society living with each other.


I wouldn't suggest watching her videos, she isn't really worth the time.

I think that reality though is subjective to a point. A person could live in a place where _______ is completely accepted, but that wouldn't be the same reality for someone living somewhere else.

I also think that in many instances reality needs to change as not having change is just a static existence. Does that mean that I am saying that people with tattoos all over their face, and have shitty attitudes should get hired for any job they But I am saying that if we never changed reality, we would still be living in caves. The majority isn't always right. Neither is the minority. Disagreeing with each other is fine, but feeling a certain way about something doesn't make it reality, and it doesn't make it right. That goes for everyone, and everything.

As for how we define mental illness and delusions? Well, there are people who go to schools, and get doctorates in that sort of thing. I usually defer to them.


