MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you use AI options?

Do you use AI options?

AI was added to Facebook. There is an AI in snap chat. Of course there is BING AI, CHATGPT etc...

Do you use these or other AI options?
For what? How often?




I do not even fully understand it, I only know that I don’t trust it.


It's just an advanced search and plagiarism compilation system at this point. It's useful but not required right now.
Trusting... yeah, it makes mistakes, same as search and humans also.
But it will becoming as normal a electricity soon.
I don't bother with it myself and I do tech work.
My urge from 2 decades ago, is the human factor, keeping people employed instead of replaced.


I just sense that it may be another avenue for the sneaks to access our personal information. The Indians, Chinese and Russian Mob are experts at ripping off bank accounts and so on.


No not at all. One day I may get around to it, but I just don't see the point for usual Internet browsing.


As usual, I’ll let everyone else beta test it first before I use it myself.


Yep. No harm in that aproach.


I signed up for a ChatGPT account once and asked it some engineering questions about a specific type of antenna and it was pretty impressive with what it returned but it didn’t really answer my question.


Ive never used it.


Some of the language learning apps I use are allegedly run on AI, but I'm not sure to what extent.

ChatGPT is fun to screw around with for laughs and giggles, but I haven't found a practical use for it.

I'm more nervous about how people are going to use AI, rather than the AI itself.


some friends of mine asked it to write a short script, and in a few seconds it was done and it was pretty decent. I prefer writing on my own for the mental challenge and fun, but I understand the potential utility.

No one complains about photoshop anymore either: bending reality, creating things where nothing existed... it changed the world, and no one noticed nor cared. I feel AI is like that.

Yes, AI will be bending people's beliefs and leading them like cattle thanks to dilusion of truth in social media. Meh... maybe that is for the best. Keep the People Of Stupid occupied and misdirected.


