MovieChat Forums > Arnold Schwarzenegger Discussion > Schwarzenegger or Stallone movies?

Schwarzenegger or Stallone movies?

I've given up deciding which of the two had better movies overall. It's pointless to choose. I'm a movie lover first and foremost. That's the weasel way out of the argument. The real reason is that it all depends what mood I'm in, and recency bias.

What does that mean? It means that for instance, if I watch Rambo First Blood Part 2, I'll be in a euphoric state where I'm all about Stallone and how awesome his movies are. The same thing happens when I watch Commando, or Total Recall, to where at that moment I'm biased for Arnie.

There is no winner between the two actors. The movie fans were the winners. How profound, I know /snark


I'd keep Arnie for Conan alone.


Haha I am with you ! Conan is epic ! I saw it when I was way too young too. When I think of Conan I automatically think of the beheading scene.


As a little kid in the early 90's I so remember that the big three were always Schwarzenegger, Stallone and Van Dame. Boys at school always seemed to take sides on wish of the big three they like most. Personally me it was always Schwarzenegger. Kindergarden cop, Last Action Heroes, Twins, Total recall ... Honestly so many films of him that I just adored when I was a little kid. I cannot think of any Stallone or Van Dame movies that really drew me in like a Schwarzenegger film. With that said I love Stallone as well, do not get me wrong. It just I have way more nostalgia for Schwarzenegger work that's all. I think Schwarzenegger knew the right people that took advantage of all his range as an actor while the others where not given the opportunity to show as many sides of themselves but that is more due to the material they where given than their actual worth as actors.


it's gotta be stallone! schwarzeneggers films are wooden, 90s cinema is amazing, but arnies films were those over produced, special effects, everyone and everything is getting blown up...

the rocky saga is a part of america culture.


Honestly First Blood and Rocky 1 are great movies but I will take Arnold's lesser liked films except Junior and Batman & Robin over Stallone's lesser liked movies. Sorry but I like Schwaramzenegger's films more than Stallone's. I do like Rambo 2 and 3 though.


Arnie has the better collection of movies and the higher highs. Ok, I've not seen any of the Rocky movies but sports movies tend to not do it for me, and as I understand it Rocky is the only really good movie in that franchise. Nothing of Stallone's can compete with The Terminator, Predator, Terminator 2, or Total Recall. These are all 8 out of 10 or higher movies. I haven't seen a movie of Stallone's I'd give higher than a 7 to.


I would choose Schwarzenegger.


Stallone's movies had more heart whereas Arnie's movies were funnier.
