
Is Pete Nolan the ramrod the first few seasons and Rowdy moves up into that position, or is Rowdy the ramrod the whole time Gil Favor is the trail boss?

Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


Pete Nolan is the scout. Rowdy is ramrod from the get-to, and stays in that position (well, except for the times he quits) until season 8, when Gil Favor mysteriously disappears and Rowdy is the new trail boss.

BTW--Pete Nolan as gone for a season or two (he returned in season 7) and was replaced as scout by Clay Forrester.


Thanks. The way Favor keeps leaving Nolan in charge (much like Mr. Scott on Star Trek) while he and Rowdy ride off made me think he was the Number 2 man while he was there.

Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


I think that's because Mr Favor prefers to go off adventuring with Rowdy. He never knows what's going to happen....

