MovieChat Forums > Mary Poppins (1965) Discussion > UK age rating increased because of "disc...

UK age rating increased because of "discriminatory language"

I’d never heard of the word Hottentot before, but there you go…


In The Wizard of Oz when the lions sings his courage song he says "What makes the Hottentots so hot?...courage!


You beat me to it!


Is that the word? Neither have I (and I'll bet you none of the BBFC had either) - but this is the world we live in.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. An ancient, out-of-use word that nobody even remembers? Someone really had a lot of time on their hands to go pushing for censorship over something this insignificant. What's next? "Wizard of Oz?" The Cowardly Lion uses that word in his song, and nobody even knows what that word means!


I have learned a new word today.


I can see it now. When children are playing in the schoolyard and one of the kids looks native, they're going to say, "you're such a hottentot." Then when they get sent to the principal's office for saying that common word, the principal is going to ask, "you learned that from Mary Poppins, didn't you?" When the news gets out, the parents will show up the school holding pitchforks and signs that say: "ban the word that rhymes with 'hot to trot'" because the word is so disturbing to repeat. The banning of this word is so needed to protect all the hot to trots that exist, and I'm glad the people responsible for the rating system have acknowledged that hideously racist commonly spoken word.


This is stupid! So are they going to up the rating of every old movie just because there might be something might be offensive? What's next? Creature from the Black Lagoon getting rerated PG-13 for sexual content because of having a woman in a bikini?
