William Shatner

I can't help wondering, when they were shooting Star Trek IV, did it occur to him that the plot had some similiarities to "Burning Bright", his episode of Six Million Dollar Man? Not a huge amount, but mostly the whole aspect of communicating with sea creatures (whales/dolphins).

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


I can't help wondering, when they were shooting "Burning Bright did it occur to him that the plot had similiarities to the second Star Trek pilot,"Where no Man has Gone Before".


Probably not, in neither case was it his character performing his own previous actions over again... but who knows? ;-)


He was probably too busy working to realise ,or if he did kept it to himself, I don't see him saying to Harve Bennet and Leonard Nimoy 'y'know.. this reminds me of that episode I did of Six Million Dollar Man where I played an astronaut who could communicate with dolphins.. about 10 years ago wasn't it Harve'
