MovieChat Forums > The Six Million Dollar Man (1974) Discussion > Cost to Built a Bionic Man today???

Cost to Built a Bionic Man today???

I grew up watching the Six Million Dollar Man when it was new and
today am curious to know with inflation factored in from the
seventies along with the current dollar value just what in today's
dollar rate in US millions would be the estimated cost to our
government to actually design and build a working prototype of a
21st century bionic man with two bionic legs, high tech arms and
one bionic eye/ear? I would guesstimate around $75-80 million US or
am I just being slightly off with my estimated figure? Of course
it would need to have a high tech brain as well and take that
into account for the overall cost.

Lawrence Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


even back then, people were saying six million would be very cheap too build something this advanced more like 60 billion even back then.


In development, Mark Wahlberg is cast to star in 2017 "The Six Billion Dollar Man".


I keep hearing that is still on.


Around $35 million. Thus he should be the $36 Million Dollar Man or at most The $60 Million Dollar Man in an (the) upcoming film.

Well, most people are idiots with bad there!


Based on the corruption, and insane spending of the US government I estimate 600 million conservatively!


Well if the space programme was anything to go by then the contractor with the cheapest bid would do it. Say around $10 per limb.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Aside from government overspending I'm wondering if it would be cheaper today due to advances in technology. A prosthetic arm can be made now for just a couple of hundred dollars, while the patient waits, with a 3D printer. I think they'd previously cost around $70,000.

"Paint something cool... Don't paint the sun!"


Using the inflation calculator, six million dollars in 1974 is the equivalent of 36 million today (2022).
But everything seems to cost more now, so probably closer to 100 million.


Half a billion.


Something we cannot do today no matter how much money we spend. We'd just give the poor guy chronic exscruciating pain and cancer and shorten his lifespan by 30-40 years.


The official title of the upcoming remake with Marky Mark is going to be called "The 6 Billion Dollar Gender Neutral Human".

They decide not to replace his busted wang with a bionic one, because that would just be an unnecessary expense.
