goofs even for the 70s

i started rewatching this show on esquire network (i havent seen it since it first aired)

have only watched a few episodes but it cracks me up in one episode they wreck an old taxi down a cliff and it turns into another car as it falls

they travel to the florida everglades and you can hear monkeys in the "jungle"

he travels to china and stay in a hut
he travels to africa and stays in the same hut

im sure there is gonna be more goofs and ridiculousness

can anyone else add to the list?


And I'll take this show over almost 95% of the shows they have on today! I remember those goods and they're still funny.


Those were the only plot holes in the entire run of this series though


I remember one episode where he was in a toy store and there was a shelf stocked with Six Million Dollar man action figures behind the clerk.


Whats so odd about that? Stores at that time were really selling his action figures. I had him and Bigfoot


Bigfoot shows up but it wasn't even real.


The first episode he has his space suit sent from Nasa and wears it to search the town with all the bodies. I've never seen a spacesuit with shoe laces before!


If he's supposed to have superhuman abilities, why does he run so slow?


Are you just trying to be a wiseguy? LOL They showed Steve Austin running in slo-mo because speeding up the camera to have him run like a cheetah would have been comical.


Lol, I actually remember that they did have him running sped up style in the first episode or two, but then it went to that slow mo BINT-DINT-DINT-DINT-DINNNNNN thereafter
