MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) Discussion > Why was Pankot demonized compared to the...

Why was Pankot demonized compared to the other village?

Let's face it: things aren't perfect in Pankot, but I'd rather live there than in the dumpy village that had it's rock "stolen" (though they don't provide any actual proof of this).

I mean, that dumpy village is a shithole. Like literally, they don't even have indoor plumbing. They're also in abject poverty and are starving since they apparently aren't good at farming.

Meanwhile, at Pankot, the architecture is great. The culture is vibrant. The food is plentiful.

"Oh, but they have child labor at Pankot!", you may ask. And? What do you think happens in the dumpy village in the film? They have child laborers that they can't even feed that have to work outside all day! I'd much be one of the well-fed child laborers in Pankot that gets real meals and the privilege of working indoors than be a child laborer and starving to death.


No one knows


The village was thriving before the rock was stolen.


Was it?

It was a shithole with clay houses and the only way to reach it was several days by elephant.


It was a shithole with clay houses and the only way to reach it was several days by elephant.

One person's shithole is another person's palace.

They were happy before the stone was stolen - that's all that matters even if where they were living is a shithole.


No, one man's shithole is another man's shithole. I mean it in the literal sense that they were shitting in a hole in the ground.

The Palace in the bigger city is where I'd want to live. Not some poor, inept, dirt farming village that forces kids to work outside all day.


Are you really stupid or really deaf? Or both?

The only other explanation is that you're really bad at this trolling with a fake argument thing.


Yeah, but good enough at trolling to attract you and davodikum (millsey is special and exists beyond trolling). Let's just ignore this crap.


Inviting critiques of your attempt at trolling isn't what good trolling is.


Nobody said it was good... I'm getting a bit tired of this "Look I'm taking a perverse approach to some familiar element of a beloved film". Y'know "The Empire were the good guys in Star Wars" or "Sauron was just fighting in support of misunderstood Orkdom". These can all be interesting thought experiments, but presented as they are, they are simple minded trolling.
