MovieChat Forums > The Simpsons (1989) Discussion > If they bring back the French Guy from s...

If they bring back the French Guy from season one....

Why not bring back The Babysitter Bandit. She was arrested at the end of her episode but she could finally be out of jail all these years later and want revenge on Bart and Lisa.


Your topic implies there's an actual point you want to make with the 'if'-structure, but your post is completely different. What gives, man?

To answer your - I think what's supposed to be a QUESTION, even though you did not understand to use a question mark for some reason..

01) Why would you want some hideous a-hole that everyone hates back to the show? It's a GOOD thing she was arrested, she was disgusting in all possible meanings of the word, no one wants her back, good riddance, I hope she rots in that damn prison cell.

02) This show is a zombie, it's no longer alive, so it doesn't matter WHAT they do with it, as long as they don't respect the source material or write good stories that are told well. You can't even talk about 'fumes', this zombie is dried out and can barely move, and even that probably because of some kind of bionic implants that have been artificially installed in it. Why would you care what happens in this version of the show anymore?

03) There is a reason 'Sideshow' brothers were interesting - they had charisma, played by known actors who had just the right sense of humor and tact to play this surprisingly complex character, not to mention 'Frasier' was fresh and popular at the time. It all fit together like a glove, creating perfection in villainy and story structures without forgetting wacky hijinks or even med-jinks.

Compared to this bland, charismaless, stupidly-shaped, depressing, uninteresting, no-personality fat blob of a stupid, hopelessly criminal, hated hag, the Sideshow brothers were a stroke of a brilliant genius.

No one would enjoy this no-charisma blob as a villain, why would you want HER back of all people? Even Snake would make a more interesting villain with his weird valley girl / surfer lingo, if you want to go the 'unredeemable criminal'-route (and why would you).

The thing is, there are BETTER VILLAINS that have already been used, so why would there be a need to use this super bland and annoying one?

Let it go.


Actually, she got away.
