Film quality

I couldn't find an earlier thread where I posted about this, but a dvd commenary confirmed what I thought before.

People always complain about the quality of film stock in Larry, but they do it on purpose. Director Todd Holland in one of the commentaries on the dvd set said they used better film stock one season and it wasn't enough of a contrast with the video of the talk show scenes. So they changed to a lower quality (fuzzier) film stock.

So it's not a bad transfer or similar DVD glitch. It's the way the show was made.

I can picture every move
that a man could make


Yeah, I always wondered about that. The low quality of the backstage stuff almost makes the show look really dated. Thank cripes it dosen't matter cuz the writing and ad-libbing is so good. Then when they show the actual "talk Show" bits, it looks so bright and refreshing, but more a like a real show you watch on late night television. So it works. I get it.


So they changed to a lower quality (fuzzier) film stock.

Only on a Garry Shandling show (and I mean that as a compliment).


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Watching it on HBO Plus, and throughout seasons 1 and 2 most of the shows seem fairly high-definition, but occasionally there's one that isn't. It seems random, unintentional, and doesn't correspond to the talk show or backstage/at home parts. It might be a glitch in their streaming.
