Episodes without Olivia

IMDB says there's currently 413 episodes, and that Mariska has been in 402. What are the episodes with no Benson?


I don't think she was in Pandora.


I want to say there were some episodes in season 7 or 8 without Benson. I think MH was pregnant at the time?

EDIT: Yeah, I'm an idiot. I forgot about Det. Dani Beck who was partnered with Stabler in season 8. Can't remember where Olivia was, undercover maybe? Episodes 2-8 of season 8.

~Currently binge watching: Nada, playing Final Fantasy XV~


She was not in Baggage from season 10. She was hospitalized with a collapsed lung.


Doesn't matter now. Hargitay's in charge and getting an episode where she isn't on screen every minute is impossible, much less one without her completely. Even when she directs an episode she's basically directing herself in every scene.


If you click on mariska's IMDb profile and look at all filmography, it will show all the ep. She's been in.


Mariska wasn't in the following episodes:

- Reparations (2011) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Baggage (2009) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Cage (2006) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Confrontation (2006) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Uncle (2006) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Recall (2006) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Clock (2006) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Name (2005) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)
- Parts (2005) ... Olivia Benson (credit only)


How I would LOVE shows with NO Olivia. Please.....


too bad for you because she is now always front and center on SVU...if you don't wanna see her then it's probably better for you to just change the channel


They were worse. I can't remember her name but they had a Female Elliott.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


Dani Beck?


Thats her.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


why are you watching the show if you have no interest and hate her character? Is someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to watch? Ever hear of some invention called change the damn channel...?


check the trivia page on imdb for svu it says which episodes


at the end of season 7 and the beginning of season 8, she was out on materity leave
