Worst ending ever?

The ending was so bad they had to make an alternate version for the fans. How many sitcoms have alternate endings?




Yeah there was, fans were so irate that Carter and Craig added an edited version on the DVD where Tracy lived and Ted did not hook up with Robin. It still was kinda lame though. The whole 8 seasons was nearly flawless only to find out Ted gets Robin in the end again. I still can't watch reruns today cause I already know the stupid ending.


I think enough time has passed that I can finally get over the butchered finale. Yes, I still hate it, but I can watch the entire series again then go on YouTube for the fan ending.

I still love Barney and Ted. That's reason enough for me to view it in no particular order, especially the early seasons pre-Barney & Robin's relationship.


It might be a few more years for me. HIMYM was in my top 3 sitcoms with Seinfeld and Cheers and now I can't watch it anymore. Its also funny that How i met your dad was instantly cancelled after the botched finale. It could have been a great show as well.


That’s funny I still watch this show. Love it.


I still cant watch it, even after all these years later.


I still agree.


Any easier now?

Here in Finland Fox omits the whole final season for some reason, and I can actually live with that.

They really dropped the ball on this one, and it's a bowling ball straight to the toes.


I thought the whole last season was shockingly bad. So many stupid filler eps then they realise they have to do a wedding and it felt rushed for the last few episodes.

And after all those seasons the mother dies, really??


While I would have never accepted any ending where they kill Tracey. I think they got stuck in a corner that they waited so long to introduce her that they probably felt they were going to get a backlash. Hell I thought once Season 5 ended that the show was most likely going to end with Ted meeting the mother, but them not showing her face. What I think surprised Carter and Craig is how well everyone took to Cristin Milioti and so when they went to their fallback of Ted ending up with Robin. They didn't expect people to be so enraged.

But, as I stated I don't think I would have ever been happy with them killing Tracey. I would have been able to handle it slightly better if season 9 wasn't filled with so many junk/filler get to 200 episodes bullshit. Plus that sunrise episode always struck me as that was it, Robin and Ted are done. But, no it wasn't. I think if they would have split the season's into 4ths the death would have likely been better received albeit bittersweet.

Part 1: Maybe 4 episodes telling the Barney/Robin wedding weekend with Ted meeting the mother.
Part 2: 10 episodes covering the time span that sees Barney/Robin's split and the developing of Ted and Tracey's relationship to their marriage.
Part 3: 6 episodes covering the married years of Ted/Tracey and their life with the group
Part 4: The final four episodes could have covered the last few years and built into the ending they gave us.

Again I wouldn't want to have seen her die, and Ted end back up with Robin I would have been able to tolerate it with a better story.


Yep it was one of my fave shows for a while but the last couple of seasons just killed it and I only kept watching because I had already hung in there for so long.


Yes indeed!


I think we live in a world where theres too much fiction, nearly everything is about superheroes today, videogames too....

theres very little realism in our society and people simply want a pretty lie to an ugly truth. it seems that what most people wanted with this show was for ted and the mother to live happily ever after, for barney and robin to stay together...

sounds nice, but is it realistic? the thing is there were signs all along, i mean ted sits down and tells his kids how he met their MOTHER, but how does the story begin? with whom? with ROBIN! he doesn't begin the story talking about their mother, although this is the name of the series!

There were signs that robin couldn't change, that especially barney couldn't change....

The beauty about this ending is that it tells you the world is not perfect, people can't change, people change, people die, some live.... but you know what? maybe there is some happy ending.

it's actually pretty realistic, it's just not a fairytale.


I agree so much, I feel like I could have written all of this myself. Some ppl were saying how the ending was forced, but if you watch the whole show with this in mind, it makes much more sense. Not just from the introduction as you mentioned, but from the character arcs themselves.

Not to mention, that it makes so much more sense for Barney to finally change with the birth of his daughter. It's also a nice bookend for him; he is now actively being the father that he always wanted himself.


what i took from ted telling his kids the story of how he met their mother, well it wasn't about their mother, i mean the mother only appears in 10% of the story! robin in all of it!

this wasn't ted telling his kids the story of how he met their mother, subconsciously or not, ted was kinda preparing his kids for the fact he wanted to move on with his life and be with robin.

and his kids tell him "what took you so long?!"

i thought it was a great ending


Agree the ending was not cool, but I do a run through every year or so.

“I said a bang, bang, bangidy bang, I said a bang bang bangidy bang”


I'm glad I jumped ship before the garbage ending. The last season was so bad I couldn't even finish it.
