MovieChat Forums > The Big Bang Theory (2007) Discussion > "Comic Collectable" makes no sense

"Comic Collectable" makes no sense

Why is it that every time there is a supposedly 'intelligent' character (or characters), we are always TOLD about it, but we're never SHOWN it?

These are supposed to be intelligent nerds. However, when Leonard shoves his 'collect_I_bles' into the box, we can clearly see that some clueless, moronic analphabet has done several things to the side of the box:

1) Chose the wrong words - I am not intelligent, and yet even I know the difference between 'collectible' and 'collectable'.

2) Chose to write a singular word, when the box is supposed to be full of things, which would necessitate a plural.

3) Wrote the whole thing in cursive

4) Used the wrong capitalization

5) Wrote the whole thing in the wrong place (why so far to the right that you have no room for the necessary 's' at the end?)

6) What the heck would a 'comic collectible' be, even if it was written correctly? Wouldn't it stand to have a better term, because not all of them are necessary from comic BOOKS or such, there are things from actual MOVIES and such.

To think that a Leonard, a meticulous, supposedly intelligent, maybe even slightly fuzzy character would make ALL these mistakes and not use any imagination on how he writes it (like choosing some more quirky font, PRINTING the fully-customized LABEL instead of just lazily write it manually by hand, _IN_CURSIVE_, did I mention?)... just doesn't compute.

7) Sheldon, a supposedly very nitpicky, intelligent, all-knowing man with idetic memory ("What is it that you do again, Leonard?" makes no sense when you consider this, but whatever) does NOT SAY A WORD about these words!

I mean, HOW does Sheldon nitpick about all kinds of things and even know how to use 'nauseous' and 'nauseated' correctly, and yet NOT MENTION ANY OF THIS?!

In any case, no matter how you look at it, the writing on that box makes no sense whatsoever.

If you are trying to use the 'Leonard is depressed'-argument, then there's no way he would write anything, or at least write something in cursive, and it would still not excuse him writing everything so far to the right and not knowing the right word.

Why can't hollyweird ever SHOW someone being intelligent? I guess because they themselves are not intelligent, so they wouldn't know how. It's just so much easier to CLAIM someone is intelligent, isn't it?


I'll take "Symptoms of Lunacy" for $500 Alex.


I just want everyone to know that I'm not taking the crazy person's post seriously, this reply is meant for any sane people that may read this thread!

I actually knew a couple of top scientists when I was younger, people with Sheldon Cooper-ish levels of genius in their fields, and a good share of his weirdness. One of these top scientists would tell his friends that while he was a very good mathematician, to say the least, he considered his language skills to be below average, or at least poor by the standards of academia. A person may be brilliant at some things and average or poor at others, which is why Intelligence is so hard to define. Who's more intelligent, a person who's pretty good at everything, or a person who's world-class brilliant at one thing and crap at everything else?


Yeah, it's a show designed to create humor, not be a tutorial on intelligence. The OP seems confused on that question.


There are plenty of "doesn't make sense" diatribes against popular movies by comedians or parody pieces, but they are always sarcastically funny, and intentionally so.

This loon is going through the research and coming up with things that might not make sense in the real world, but has zero talent for delivering it humorously.

I honestly think this guy is on the spectrum (to be kind) and has read/heard similar parodies but never got the humor.


One of my friends at school was a mathematical genius and the school chess champion and yet he was hopeless at English. He even made fun of himself about it.


I actually knew a couple of top scientists when I was younger, people with Sheldon Cooper-ish levels of genius in their fields, and a good share of his weirdness.

When we were kids, we didn't have the advantage of clinical diagnosis like we have today. Back then, those kids were "oddballs" or a "bit off".

I love the scene in War Games when the really geeky guy gets dressed down for his social awkwardness. "Remember you told me to tell you when you were acting rudely and insensitively? Remember that? You're doing it right now."

Many geniuses are socially awkward and don't understand sarcasm or humor.


I grew up adjacent to a major university and met these top scientists in the local social scene, and like Sheldon Cooper... I don't think their eccentricity was entirely due to the Autism Spectrum. No, part of it was ego and part was that a top scientist is the master of their own little universe, and the master of a universe doesn't HAVE to behave! At least, they don't have to behave within their own little world, where they're forgiven almost anything. Seriously, with Sheldon and with his real-life equivalents, these were people who did what they damn well please, because they didn't have to compromise or fit in the way most people do.

And that is IMHO something "TBBB" writers got right - Sheldon had very much arranged his life so that he didn't have to change, didn't have to compromise, didn't have to meet society's expectations of normality. And that matches my experience with his real-life equivalents.


"3) Wrote the whole thing in cursive."

And this offends you, why? Are you one of those little punks who can't read or write in cursive, so you are pissed off that there are grownups who can?
