Seriously Sansa..

Just tell Dany she's the Queen, then she'll ride south, take the Iron Throne, kill Cersei, which is what you've always wanted, and her and Jon will stay down there forever. She's never coming back to the North, nor will she bother you much. And even Cersei knows that its impossible to invade the North. You can stay at Winterfell, be Warden of the North, where everyone is fiercely loyal to the Starks and do whatever you want, while Dany and Jon play king and queen down south.


The whole conflict does seem pretty forced. Talk about screwed up priorities. Take care of Cersei & worry about the other bs later if you must but even then it doesn't make that much sense for her.


It's grossly forced, both Dany and Sansa are acting unreasonable and petty while both are underestimating Cersei. I find Sansa's error more repugnant because she doesn't have a good excuse to underestimate Cersei after now being portrayed as a scheming genius wise to her adversaries. This is her real mortal enemy and woman who had made a point of terrorizing her while residing in King's landing, and she's catfighting Dany instead. Inexcusable.

But Dany still shares a significant part of a blame. I'm disappointed to learn she's lot more dense and obtuse than I thought she was, like she's only capable of seeing the world in binary absolutes. I mean, using language like "Bend the knee and join me. Refuse and die" last season before incinerating the Tarlys?!?! Who talks like that except tyrants? Cersei doesn't even need to work to convince Westerosis that Dany is the tyrant even though Cersei's every bit the tyrant. Dany projects tyranny on her own even though we know she's a million times better than Cersei.

Dany also has zero aptitude for war strategy and is entirely reliant on wise generals for which she has none. She's just not in Cersei's league in terms of military acumen.


"It's grossly forced..."

I don't think so. There is something going on in Sansa's mind. Her saying "The men in my family don't do well in the capital" indicates she need a plan B in case Jon die in the battle or get rid by Dany afterwards. I hope she won't become little finger who probably would make secret alliance with Cersei in current situation.


Could be. But is that distrust of Dany by Sansa justified after Dany had sacrificed her forces and dragons to join with Jon? I think the real reason is her own ambition to be Queen of the North. It's what she's always wanted.


Indeed, Sansa is still one of the main players in the game.


Dany has always been ignorant. You are right she does see things in absolutes and it tends to be so she can placate her ego. She thinks someone bending the knee to her is a life long binding commitment rather than a short term strategic move on the part of the one swearing allegiance.

She's down to one dragon now too which will mean she will keep it out of harms way so she is more useless than usual.


Now it looks like Cersei has successfully baited her to strike Kings Landing before Jon arrives with reinforcements. There's really no indication she has the temperament for restraint.


She came to westeros with the most powerful army in the world with powerful allies. In that short time back home she, because of listening to that brainless imp, practiced restraint and is now in a losing position. The Northerners and stark sisters are ungrateful cunts who show her no respect despite the sacrifices Daenarys made and she now lost her 2 best friends and a second dragon. Fuck restraint.


Restraint would have been realizing that she is something special where she was and being happy with that. Instead she goes to Westeros and gets involved in a war she could have easily avoided. And why? Because she feels she is entitled to some throne when she was already Queen where she was.

She is greedy and has never practiced restraint.

The dragons are all she had, if she loses the last one it's over for her.


Dany just has no mind for strategy and doesn't learn from her mistakes. It's like all the inbreeding has left her mildly autistic. She weirdly doesn’t treat her dragons or ships as precious resources. She doesn't think to take any safety precautions by doing aerial reconnaissance because she never bothers to consider other ways to press her advantages. She could fly directly to the Red Keep and target Cersei with a surgical strike or do a few flyovers in show of strength to Westeros nobility. She could have used Dothraki to prevent the Lannister army from leaving King’s Landing at all. Or considered economic and diplomatic strategies like Cersei.

She has no understanding of the wartime PR battle and necessity of winning hearts and minds. None of this stuff ever even occurs to her which leaves me convinced she has to suffer from some form of autism. Even when Dany is better prepared and has greater numbers, she fails, because she doesn’t think ahead.


WTF? That's a new one. First, it's vaccines, now inbreeding that causes Autism? Game of Thrones is fiction. Autism is not. Stop spreading slander and ignorance about a condition and a group of people you don't know shit about.


lulz. I never said anything about 'vaccines'. Learn to read you forlorn toolshed.

If you followed the story you'd know her father suffered madness caused by his incestuous lineage and the show is teasing us that she just might be succumbing to the same madness.

And if you had any understanding of genetics you'd know inbreeding absolutely does lead to autism from genetic defects among offspring. In fact it was quite common among nobility that married among themselves to keep the wealth in the family. Just look at Charles II.

We can assume autism is a result of genetic inbreeding on the show because it's fiction based on real life. You really need to do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself.


Sansa was right their soldiers, including Dany's have just fought a huge battle they are tired. Cersei wasn't really a threat at that point. Cersei is sitting pretty and can bide her time. Now though they have prodded her so they have lost the luxury of time.


Exactly! The entire thing IS forced just for the sake of conflict. Sansa should know that Dany wants to destroy Cersei too. In reality they would work together for that goal and worry about all the other things later.


What a dumb cunt she is. North could have gained a favourable ally. Not to mention the North is depleted of food, people and economy is in tatters. The winter is here, yet she still continues to show she is so much smarter than anyone else. If it weren't for Daenerys' forces, they all would be dead. Sansa ir poorly written and quite honestly a jealous bitch.


Do you talk to many girls? You speak so kindly of them when you disagree with their actions.


What does it have to do with anything? It's a character of a fictional universe we are talking about. Realize this?


To be fair, this season EVERYONE is poorly written!


True, true


It makes no sense for Sansa to be pushing for an independent North. Independence gain them little.

But Dany putting herself and her dragons between Cersei and the Starks means a hell of a lot! Really, Sansa should have been pushing Dany to marry Jon and take him away south, so that Cersei can try to fight the dragons, and Sansa can rule the North without Jon.


Yeah, Sansa has become an annoying little biatch.


Everyone's become an annoying little bitch this season!

Really, everyone's out of character or their IQ has dropped by 3/4. Except Jon, whose IQ is still in the middle double digits.
