What is Max 'Mad' About ?

Forgive me, I've never seen a Mad Max movie, so why is Max 'mad?'

Is it the hot weather ?



In the first movie, Max is a highway patrolman with a reputation for being so aggressive in pursuit of suspects that it borders on being unhinged. His willingness to play chicken with a suspect in an oncoming car in the opening chase shows this. However, he still has a job and family to keep him from going off the deep end. In the second film, after losing his wife and son to a gang at the end of part one, he quits the police force and heads out into the outback in his V8 police cruiser. The car is the only thing still tying his former life. When we see him again in part two he is living a feral, nomadic existence as a scavenger. Now that he has nothing to lose he is even more unhinged than before. His gradual return to being a hero again is what makes the second Max film (The Road Warrior) the best in the series.


so... he mad?


He appears a bit mad (insane), but is "an honorable man" if you can win his respect. So, he's not really insane, more psychologically damaged for obvious reasons l.


fair enough


Is this for real?
Mad Max is a 'highway patrolman' - seriously ?

I thought the movies were some post-apocalyptic tales about Max having to survive a savage wasteland of mutants, but he was just essentially writing tickets?

Surely you jest ?

I honestly haven't seen them, so you could be telling me the truth, are they worth watching ?

Thanks for your reply :)



Watch the first film. When you get the end scene, you'll realize why he's called MAD (as in insane, crazy) Max.


He begins to become as feral as the prey he hunts, but part two shows there are lines he won't cross, and he often takes a good beating for his troubles. He's an antihero. I mean sure, he is ruthless in his pursuit of revenge for the deaths of his friend "the Goose" and his family, but he's doing it for understandable reasons against the ones that did him harm and has a certain code he still lives by.


Short answer: yes, you should a watch at least watch part two, one of the best genre films of the 80s.

Long answer: I mean, you could read the plot synopsis, but about being a highway patrolman - Max is a highway patrolman living in a post-apocalyptic Australia, so he and his fellow officers are tasked with doing battle- often to the death - with marauding road gangs which are becoming more and prevalent and out of control with each passing day as society gradually collapses. In part one, we see Max and his other coworkers responding to violent road accidents and assaults caused by these gangs. We don't see them writing out any tickets because things are so bad they have little time for minor offenses. By part two, society has already collapsed, so all Max has connecting him to his past life is V8 and some dim memories of his family and occupation.

For some reason you seem determined to dislike these films without having seen them..But you're missing out. The Road Warrior at the very least you should give a shot. Mad Max you can then watch to get the back story if you're so inclined.


'you seem determined to dislike these films without having seen them'

...not at all, I was just surprised to find Max was a highway patrolman, as it seems almost inconsequential to enforce traffic laws in a world that has gone to hell, but I'm guessing there's more to it than that, the roads being the arteries for survival perhaps?

I shall definitely watch them, and thanks again for your replies :)



Oh, I apologize. I misread your intent. You could either watch them in release order or not. If you watch them out of order start with Part Two, watch Part One as a prologue. Thrre and for are non-essential, in my view. The fourth one was better than three...but no Mel Gibson.

You have to remember the first Mad Max was a very low budget film with strong exploitation roots (the biker film, post-apocalyptic schlock, etc), so they started off small. The world of Mad Max wasn't fully fornmed yet. In fact, it originally wasn't supposed to be a sci-fi film at all. The original idea was that it would be "a documentary. One day George Miller had been hearing about a radio journalist that would follow around into places of car accidents to interview people about them." That's why the first one has a relatively realistic feel, and highway patrol officers are part of it.


Thanks christomacin, much appreciated! :)


This is the REAL Mad Max. Accept no substitutes played by Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMG7j3zReJQ


His wife and kid are slaughtered in Mad Max 1 which sends him over the edge and then gets revenge on the gang who killed them by murdering them all in inventive brutal ways. then he remains 'Mad' throughout the rest of the series. Also the world descends into madness with post WW3 too (between part 1 and 2)


Thanks for your reply bozo :)

Is it true he was just a highway patrolman, as user christomacin states ?

I thought it was a post apocalyptic tale of survival against mutants, I never would have taken Mel to be a traffic cop writing tickets !?

Are they worth a watch ?



1st movie he's a patrolman in a crumbling world on the brink

Then between 1 and 2 the world falls into chaos/WW3 so Mad Max 2/3 (& Fury Road) are the post apocalyptic movies that everyone associates them with

Yes all are great but MM2 is the best/most iconic. The much celebrated Fury Road is like a vague sequel, mainly bc it was made 30y later with a different actor as Max (although was originally set to star Mel Gibson until around 2004). but obviously set in same world


Mad has a different meaning in everywhere-else-English to US-English

He aint angry , he crazy


Max is paid to take a dive in a kangaroo boxing match. Instead he ends up beating the kangaroo to death. He keeps ranting about watches and pie, it's really weird.


Wokeness. Just like the rest of us.


All that sand - it gets everywhere you know.


Been answered multiple times but what the hell..

He's one of the last of the police officers in a quasi-post apocalypse. The original movie has dialogue proclaiming he's starting to lose it a bit (Though this doesn't come across at all) and wants to quit and start a new life with his wife and son. He eventually attempts this but said wife and child are murdered by a biker gang, which sends him over the edge into being "Mad". He takes his revenge, though doing so does not alleviate his inner turmoil.

The following 3 movies he's a crazed burnout with very dubious morality and just survives for the sake of it; living with no other purpose. After some events he eventually redeems himself and reclaims his humanity(They keep resetting that last part in each new movie). =P


Max, but most other guys too, is mad about seeing his name and his franchise being dragged into movies that do not star him.
