MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > So after the zombie apocalypse, the gay ...

So after the zombie apocalypse, the gay percentage of the population drastically rises...

Why do gay people seem so prevalent after the zombie apocalypse? I'm finishing season 9 and over half the relationships seen in the show for the past few seasons are gay or lesbian. What is it about gays that makes them thrive in the world of the walking dead?


Limited number of partners? Less to choose from? No one wants kids in this new world?

wait... no, that's not right...

Same reason you'll never see a white hetero couple in a television ad. That's it.


That reminds me... Almost all the heterosexual unions in Walking Dead are mixed race now.


That's the only cure against turning into a zombie once bitten: for men: semen, rectal and oral inseminations weekly. For women: rancid clamjuice. Most people just walk away when given the choice, and opt to turn zombie instead. Thats why they're called walkers.


Makes sense!


Apparently lesbians and interracial couples is what happens in the zombie apocalypse.

Don't forget that the majority of leaders are all women. Apparently men aren't fit to lead in the zombie apocalypse.


Yes, where I am at the beginning of season 10 now even the villain group has to have a female leader. They used to allow male villain leaders, but I guess even that does too much to promote the evil patriarchy.

I really preferred the way the show was going in the first few seasons.


Oh God, season 11, every single community they come across has a female leader. Every single one. All the women are heroic and masculine and sympathetic to one degree or another, even the villains, and the men are all a bunch of pussies or otherwise passive, even Dixon. Why the hell is Maggie so respected as a leader exactly? She does things in the last season that would make anyone with half a brain flee in terror.

And the few men who are ambitious are portrayed as power hungry nutcases, especially in the last season with one character in particular who they couldn't have made to look more demented if they'd hung a flashing "THIS GUY'S REALLY EVIL EVERYBODY" sign around his neck.

Most episodes are extremely dialogue and relationship heavy too, and you can tell many were written by women on account of the number of mind-numbingly boring scenes of characters talking about their feelings and reacting to situations in the most childish, emotionally driven ways imaginable. Just horrible, horrible writing. No wonder this show lost so much of its audience in the last few seasons.


Why the hell is Maggie so respected as a leader exactly? She does things in the last season that would make anyone with half a brain flee in terror.

In all fairness you can say this about Rick, too. * Has the most harebrained idea imaginable: "It's the only way"


Maggie murders several people in cold blood in Season 11, shooting them in the back after promising them they were free to go. Even if they were villains, such a thing wouldn't exactly inspire continued loyalty from me if I'd considered her a leader up to then. And the matter is never mentioned again, like it never happened.


It gets worse in season 11. Apparently all the white men are into black women now and they double down on females in power. The last season is not good but if you made it this far then I guess its good to finally finish it.


maggie sucked as a leader dont no y they all kept lookin 2 her even after her absence.


It's because at some point between when the show started and when the show ended, all shows and films had to start reflecting "the world in which we live in today," which in Hollywood's twisted perception of reality entails just about everyone being gay or bisexual, or at least "sexually fluid."


Yeah. The only place that is actually true is in Hollywood itself. They live in an echo chamber of deviance that they think reflects everyone's reality.


Wait till you get to the deaf and fat people


I've already met the deaf sisters (But I constantly think the short haired one is actually a brother.) And Eugene is getting kind of portly again as far as I can see.


I mean Jerry and Luke. Like how are they still fat 10 years into an apocalypse?


That was my first thought too. These people are supposed to just about always be on the verge of starvation, how the hell are so many of them fat?


Maybe raiding the pantry while others sleep. And who cuts the grass?


I think many would survive like Eugene, on the backs of so many others.


2 problems with that: Eugene is not gay as far as I can see at the beginning of season 9 and Eugene more than pulls his weight in the brains department. He may not be out there hunting zombies and pulling carts, but without him and his innovations, their lives would be far more difficult.


I never said Eugene was gay. I wrote they would survive like Eugene. The only reason Eugene was surviving is because Abraham and Rosita were protecting him. Eugene even acknowledged that fact in season 11. The reason the last episode was so hard for him. You could say Abraham and Rosita were like siblings to him.




I already knew he would get killed. A big giant guy like him on his knees. A coward would salivate to take him out first.




It's like this in all new fiction media.

The Last of Us 2, Wasteland 3, and The Walking Dead.

It makes no sense whatsoever, because the first people to die in an post-apocalyptic setting would be overweight people, the infirm, and sickly people, and most gay men fall into the "sickly people" category. Their disease rates -- even with modern medicine -- are insanely high:

In a post-apocalyptic setting without regular medicinal aid, they would drop like flies. Heck, gays already have a fairly short lifespan compared to the average male, which is why you rarely see older gay men. They live 20 years LESS than the average male:

Even lesbians have shorter lifespans than the average woman, mostly due to a hail of medical issues as well tied to obesity and depression (women who don't have kids get especially depressed and have a lot more health complications than women who do have kids, and lesbians can't have kids with one another:

That's not to mention women are physically just weaker than men, and two women trying to protect one another are more likely to die together than a man and a woman, who have better survival odds with one another.

In short, there would be practically no gays in a post-apocalyptic setting. If they didn't die from the zombies, they would die from lack of medical care, and/or disease.

Not to mention that gays have no way to procreate, so Natural Selection would put an end to them pretty quickly within a single generation.

This idea that they would somehow thrive in a post-apocalyptic setting makes no sense, yet they keep forcing this propaganda down our throats as if it's supposed to make sense, even though reality and basic statistics tell us otherwise.


Wow, you seem to have spent a lot of time researching this.

Really sad actually.


Not really.

If you ask basic questions, you get simple answers.


I agree that there seems to be a disproportionate gay population in TWD. But how would "Natural Selection" put an end to it?? Being gay is not a genetic trait that is passed on.


But how would "Natural Selection" put an end to it?? Being gay is not a genetic trait that is passed on.

Totally correct. That's exactly why Natural Selection would put an end to it. Homosexuals can't procreate, and there is no gay gene. So whatever gays are left would die out within a generation of the apocalypse happening.


You're right, it's impossible for homosexuals to procreate. 🤣


Unless a homosexual male mates with a female there IS indeed no way for a homosexual male or homosexual males to procreate. This is basic biology 101. There's nothing funny about what cyguration wrote. Only truth.


like roaches
