MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Maybe will give this one a third try

Maybe will give this one a third try

Watched it originally on theaters with a friend who was not impressed or happy about it, it was a somewhat stressful watch because of that, still, I was under the impression this just wasn't mah star wars.

One year or so later, tried watching with my wife at home and she fell asleep while I had my head in some game I was playing at the time (mass effect I believe), so I turned it off halfway and never came back.

Now 8 years later I'm considering giving this one last try, I recall not liking the music used, the maroon tone used and the actors not being likeable at all.

I may be getting this call because the latter DUNE reminded me of rogue one's tone.

This will either further ciment my negative feelings towards rogue one, or may completely turned them around.


It was okay in places.

It was by far the best Star Wars film that Disney put out, but that isn't saying much.




yeah agree. which is sad really...


It's nothing special.


It’s a bad movie but I’ve decided not to disown it like I have the other 4 Disney films because:

A) It at least respected the lore
B) It had some cool scenes (namely the ones with Vader)
C) It had a rightful place in the overall story line , the fact that it blends right into ANH I thought was a good touch.

Rogue One was bad but at least had a point to it. Solo was bad and had no point. The ST was infuriatingly bad and had no point.

This is how I choose to view Star Wars:

- Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
- Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
- Episode IV: A New Hope
- Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
- Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

And that’s it


I give you credit.

This is how I view Star Wars

Star Wars Episode IV

Empire Strikes Back

That's it!

Jedi is not connected to the first two due to the HUGE retconning of Leia being Luke's sister. I guess George (ood ball that he is) is REALLY into incest...

In another universe I look at Jedi as a tie-in to the original Bantam Spectra extended universe novels. Some of them were really good. So, I'll give Jedi that. It gave us some good novels that (also) eventually turned into $h!t.


Luke had sex with Leia?


No. They kissed in Star Wars and made out in Empire. If you've seen the movies you know. George is a weird guy...


A) It at least respected the lore...

The insect guys had developed the plans for the Death Star in Attack Of The Clones.

We see the Death Star being constructed in Revenge Of The Sith.

Darth Vader says the rebel plans were "beamed aboard" the Tantive IV in A New Hope.

It jars horribly against both the prequels and the OT. It respects neither.


The only thing you mentioned that I think messes with the lore is your last point and I think that’s relatively minor because the plans were beamed onto another ship which were then transferred to Leias ship. But yes you are correct.


You don't see the Death Star design as messing with the lore? Only works if you see the plans they were being incredibly secretive about in AOTC as just for cracking the concept of building a big spherical space station...


I wish that Forest Whitaker had been motion capturing a crazed, battle damaged Jar Jar Binks. Maybe Anakin came back and destroyed Gundan city or whatever and killed all of his friends (and almost him). Essentially the same personality, just Jar Jar Binks.


I really liked the film. Could it have been better? Yeah, but considering the rest of what we got...this film looks like a masterpiece.

It stayed true to the lore of the original trilogy and connects to it very well.

The grrrrl power angle was toned down (I think there were re-shoots because she was annoying the audience) and the rest of the cast took a step up in importance.

The story could have easily been a two-parter. So it seems they crammed a lot of story into one film and it drags at times.


You should give Rise of Skywalker another chance. Rey finally being the one to defeat Palpatine after realizing shes related to him, and for later to announce shes a Skywalker gives me the goose bumps every time


I agree, the scene where she identifies as a Skywalker was the most emotionally satisfying moment in all of Star Wars.


At least we can agree on something


In terms of story it's the best of the Star Wars movie put out by Disney but I can't get past the forced diversity that's done in such way that it doesn't feel organic and is pandering at its absolute worst.


That's modern Disney story telling 101.
