I use to watch...

I was watching arrowverse up to 2016. All the shows at the time(arrow, flash supergirl). I just started binge watching the 3 including dc legends of tomorrow. I started from beginning of 2016 where i left off.

Having a tough time getting into dc-lot. Also i remember not caring for supergirl back at the start, and still having trouble getting into supergirl. Every week they portray her as weak. She generally only prevails with help or figuring a way to win strategically vs just being a super hero and kicking butt. I find it boring.

The Flash gets same way, but not as bad. Arrow is just humans as heroes in suits so when they are weak, its understandable.

Maybe im just getting to old for this crap, lol


I thought Benoist made a good Supergirl (and she was pretty cute), but everything else was poor. Same goes for the 'Arrowverse' in general. I enjoyed some of their crossovers and I admired their world building, but generally the shows were full of too much teenaged angst crap. As a lifelong DC fan I appreciate that they helped keep the brand 'out there', but that's it.


I enjoyed the early years of Arrow. Idk why but flash has been my fav. I'll agree Benoist is pretty darn cute and other good looking women on there too. But as you said, everything else rather poor.

What did you think of Gotham? I liked that one decently. It has flaws, but i think all dc/marvel shows, movies and comics are a little goofy. Dont get me wrong i like the super heroe genre, just find their powers/abilities somewhat goofy and contradicting.


I liked Gotham when it first started and stuck with it for a while, but I soon got fed-up with Mrs Will Smith. Then, hooray! She was gone.. only to come back next season. I left soon after. But Sean Pertwee was great.


Supergirl (the show) started out very strong and slowly declined, as happens to most shows.

But she was pretty powerful and self-supporting, clearly the main force. Unlike the Flash, who needed a pep talk from someone every single week.
