Weird ending wth

Correct me if I’m wrong but heaven and hell r both working today to ferret mine who goes to hell or not? They hated what pinhead did at the end so they sent him to “hell” which is to be human again on earth? I’m lost

Also did they forget pinhead was pinheaded in the future so how can they have that ending


Your take on the ending is the exact same take I had on it XD. I guess both Leviathan and God agreed that Pinhead broke the rules so they punished him by making him human, and I guess Pinhead liked the extreme mix of pleasure and pain he had as Pinhead (as well as the power he had) that losing all of that was just something that even he couldn't bare. Apparently once you become a cenobite it's a sensation that you end up liking (cause in Hellbound: Hellraiser II Dr. Channard said, "And to think....I hesitated!" after becoming a cenobite).

As for the future stuff that happened in Hellraiser: Bloodine? Good question. I guess he'll end up becoming Pinhead again somehow.


well for a higher up demon like Pinhead to try to get the upper hand by attacking an angel from Heaven, he thought he could get away with it but that ticked off God. God was pretty much like, you hurt one of my heaven soldiers even though she had an attitude, he had to step in and punish Pinhead for what Pinhead did
