
Eh, seems a bit corny with the comedy sidekick police girl. The Council of Dads were angry about the Tom Cruise movies because he's 5'6" 170lbs or whatever but Cruise could play a psycho in complete control of every relationship in his life. His Reacher exuded the aura of Dad novel Competence Man. This guy looks like a Magic Mike backup himbo. I'll give a few episodes a try before in hopes it'll change my mind before ditching it.


"Magic Mike backup himbo" => This made me laugh. I wanna see THAT show... the brooding loner who busts out the moves as he's laying waste to a roomful of dirtbags.


> Dad novel Competence Man

Interesting, where did you get these descriptors from?


After all the hoohah about Cruise not looking physically anything like the character in the book, and many saying they should have cast someone more muscular, taller, blonder etc...I would find it ironic that they seem to have done just that, and people are still going to tear it down because the actor does not embody the character etc.


And he is a horrible actor from what is seen in the trailer.


The trailer isn't super interesting or exciting, but it's got enough charm to where I'll give the show a chance. Not at all being familiar with the books, I have no concerns or opinions on its faithfulness to the source material.
