MovieChat Forums > db20db

db20db (16280)


This movie... Underrated "Another one bites the dust..." (Spoiler) "And here's a happy little tree..." Stir of Echoes Remembering Christina Grimmie.... View all posts >


The film contains a lot of recognizable faces. If I remember correctly, it features a young Steve McQueen in his very first role. Cool! Let me know what you think of it. It is! I recommend it. Many believe it was the inspiration for Stallone's Rocky (1976). Agreed! So is this: I love Paul Newman. You betcha! 😁 A really flamboyant performance by Vanilla Fudge: Yeah, a great blend of old and young rockers! Here's another one: Pure dynamite! Mike Huckabee on bass is a former governor of Arkansas: That's weird. I've never encountered a liquor store that doesn't sell beer. And yeah, we have convenience stores/gas stations here that sell beer but no hard liquor. I've been a lifelong beer drinker myself. And that's what I went to get. There's a wholesale liquor store just two blocks from my house. Occasionally I'll drink some hard liquor, but not a lot. I did some tequila/beer boilermakers with a couple of buddies one year celebrating a birthday. View all replies >