MovieChat Forums > Señor Frickin Braggis

Señor Frickin Braggis (52)


Lucifer is such a joke now Is this message board already dead? Is this show any good? LOL Luke versus The Rancor We ALL need to spread the word View all posts >


Because she is Joe's daughter, Barry's lover and all their friend. I refuse to give Imdb any traffic. It's bullshit what they did. It's not quite over the top and cheesy as Z Nation. But there is a lot of light humor sprinkled throughout. The show has a little bit of everything really. This WHOLE season is filler. They want to drag the All Out War storyline through all of next season. Wild Dog has been shown killing several people so far. Hell, he basically killed Derek Sampson and turned him into a zombie. His character is badly written. There is activity but not on individual show boards. The Flash, Arrow, etc. had massive traffic. They are dead here. The Walking Dead board is doing OK. Listen, I don't want this site to fail. I hope it succeeds and becomes even bigger than Imdb. It's bullshit what Imdb did and I actively boycott that site now. There is chemistry. It just isn't romantic chemistry. They come off as really good friends (which I'm sure they are even in real life) but I don't buy them as a couple. The Rick/Michonne romance was done for fan service. I hope they don't make the same mistake and have Daryl and Carol hook up. They also have a friend chemistry. I can't never imagine them banging. Moderators is a double edged sword though. I hate trolls as much as anybody else but a message board can be ruined by too much of it. Case in point, the Superhero hype message boards are so over Moderated they are a pain in the ass because any topic or post you make is thrown into some cluttered thread. No. I'm not even on that board. I have the same exact username that I had on Imdb. I don't even understand how you have a conversation on reddit. There is no real format. It is people randomly saying shit with no rhyme or reason. It's isn't conversation. It's is talking heads shouting at the moon. People always criticized the format of the Imdb message boards a s simplistic and ugly but you learned it easy and could follow it. Twitter is also no way to discuss TV and film. It is even worse than reddit. It was people just screaming random shit even more so with no dialogue and it is all static noise, lost. View all replies >