MovieChat Forums > jakemon45

jakemon45 (977)


All the negativity on this board... Weird that she hasn't made it into a Marvel movie Holy shit, 3.8?! A very strange one. just finished the source novel Randy in Stab Robot's new Guardians of the Globe I got the feeling that this was written 10 more years ago January Jones and Jennifer Lawrence just watched this dude in Everybody Wants Some View all posts >


Blade isn't a superhero movie. It's a vampire movie. I'd say that's a good bet, yes. Are they? Okay. It's hard to tell when people have real thoughts like this. THAT BEING SAID... I see it's actually about coming up with the Pop Tart, and not even about the invention of cereal. The latter is actually a very interesting story. I can't speak on the Pop Tart story, so asking "Is Hollywood really out of ideas" might actually be valid. Well, it's obviously not strictly about the cereal itself. You have to know that, right? That's odd. Horror circles across platforms never have the original at the top of their rankings for the series. No They're just having fun, man. Funny reading the replies bringing the politics into it... It was filmed 3+ years ago and shelved, made by a production company that's done nothing of note in almost 20 years, starring an actor who has not been the star of anything of note in about as long... and they're trying to say it will fail because it's about a Republican lol He was great in Dazed and Confused as well. I can't believe he didn't become a bigger star. View all replies >