MovieChat Forums > chilone

chilone (17318)


Great actor A thought provoking question. Strange Italian American wording. The truck scene. Leftist insanity in Colorado (you voted for ths stuff) Give us the room. Major implausability in beginning (spoiler) More Biden admin. and Democrat party failure/hijenks. So, did the police and/or FBI ever... A bunch of.. View all posts >


Illiteracy is real. Physical Graffiti is my favorite. So many diverse songs and In My Time of Dying is a Bonham masterpiece! AOC sounds like a pathetic, blackspeak hoodrat."Baby guurl"? Amazing that anyone would vote for her. And like clockwork, Lige goes right to name calling. I'm surprised you didn't use your favorite, tired incest accusation. That's because people are pathological about dogs, these days. Same reasons most people don't like her. "Could of"? SMH Jeez Lige! The last tam I herd dat, the ded sea waz only sick. Y'all's m'terial ain't clever er original. [quote]Plus all black people aren't guilty of murder.[/quote] That also goes for slavery reparations. There isn't a person alive in the US who had ANYTHING to do with slavery. And you know this how? View all replies >