Truthtalker's Posts

In Gunn we trust prettiest girl from Baywatch • Batman is impotent in his own movie. John Cena NAKED body is worse than Will Smith SLAP A message for Christopher Nolan fans What a waste of Imax cameras a Bat-Knee? Why "Cats" is considered a bad movie, but "Barbie" is an Oscar worthy billion dollar movie? Why "Cats" is considered a bad movie, but this is an Oscar worthy billion dollar movie? "You have to see this on the BIGGEST screen!" hype was nothing more than PR? So, now the corporate guy is the good guy? man deep? Anorexia or Cancer Black or white? "The Martian" prequel? What modern actress could perform the sex scene? "Plain Lo in the morning. Lola in slacks. Lois Lane." funny hair = far-right? Bi-Racial couple Looks way better than "The Marvels"