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Galilguy (2346)


Democrats consider being honest a sin... Illegals thank you for your generosity.. Average Family "About $5,000 Poorer Today Than When" Biden Took Office.. RIP OPEC tells a weak, incompetent US president to drop dead.. How to speak bidenese. Free on YouTube Top 3 songs Could ya change the channel? George Baxter View all posts >


This miserable lifetime leftist shows his inner hate in words which are demented. This wacko doesn't seem to notice that Trump vacated the White House in January 2021 peacefully and on time too. This is nothing but a desperation move by the Biden campaign since this guy is a certified maniac when it comes to Trump. I saw a clip where he said Trump would destroy the world, as wars are going under Biden's watch. Crackpot doesn't begin to describe this idiot.. Trump was also cheered at the Libertarian event. Trump is willing to step out of the echo chamber and engage people who are not in complete lockstep with him. Leftists don't get that.. The police said 8,000 to 12,000 and they are pretty good at this. Trump connects with working class people across racial lines. This connection is gradually getting stronger. This frightens Democrats.. Israel did not go out looking for this war, it was set upon by the murderous clan of Hamas. Israel has the right to make sure that Hamas can never do this again. Their right to live peacefully is no less ligament than ours was during WWII. Plenty of unhinged Leftists ready to attack anyone they don't agree with.. Just a Leftist goon with nothing to offer. They either hate the country and want all of us to fail, or are drug addicts without the ability to think rationally. Firearms are what defend lives. Idiot. Imagine. You completed college, you are at graduation with your gown and funny looking hat on. Up comes this dipshit who tells you, you are a victim, everyone hates you, you are going to get killed in the streets. How uplifting is that? lol No better way to enter the world, right? Well, it's the typical leftist way of things. Kill dreams, wreck lives, and above all divide people. All of this from a person who promised to bring people together, unite folks. Nope. Bedpan-Bite-Me-Biden has done the opposite. He cannot run on his record. He has to create division and drama. When someone feels a generalized insult is race based, when by her own words 'women beautify themselves' she has not only devalued the word 'racism' she has damaged her own credibility. They do until the illegals show up in their neighborhoods than they violently remove them and bitch and moan about Trump. View all replies >