AmeriGirl26's Replies

I first came across him and other channels back in 2017, when I was still feeling miserable about how movies and tv shows had gone downhill, particularly after "The Last Jedi" and "Star Trek: Shitscovery" came out. I looked online and wondered if others felt the same way. Turns out, not only did they feel that way too, but there are many of them, and they are even revealing shocking information I didn't know about. Gary only got a million viewers because he was competing with Dan Vasc in a contest recently. And you're the second person I've read that wrote something similar to Gary's youtube history, how he was different before the Woke Era. To be frank, we were <i>all</i> different before the Woke Era. Who is Dennis? Wow, three? I thought it was just Larry Sinclair. I knew Michelle was a beard. Rumor has it, Malia and Sasha aren't even his daughters! And yeah, the CIA handler thing makes total sense. In fact, that dipshit wouldn't have gotten anywhere in the presidential election of 2008 without someone pulling strings, because he was a complete unknown. It just lends more credence that a lot of elections are more rigged than we've been led to believe. They weren't talking in a way the humans could understand. You were hearing them talking to each other. If you watch closely, the human characters don't seem to register what the animals are "saying" at all. And while I'm willing to suspend belief about a lot of things, the setup was ridiculous, even from a child's POV. No, it's not the same as a dipshit mother leaving her son behind two years in a row on two different Christmas trips. It's very easy to understand how she could have done it in both films, because there was a misunderstanding when keeping track, she was too stupid and busy to check in on her own kids herself, and it was a big family. It's harder to understand why, when she actually has the kid around, she treats him like crap, and only seems to care when she realizes she's lost him. That's what they started doing to us on the Right back in 2016, making things very unwelcoming to us, and treating us like crap online, driving us away from social media, firing us for using the wrong pronouns, attacking anyone who even slightly disagreed with the gay agenda, things like that. It got so bad they even went after Centrists, the cornerstone of entertainment. One reason entertainment was okay before this was because the people in charge had a balance of power between the two ideologies. Then the older centrists in charge retired, and the woke nutjobs took over. The problem is, the wokies are highly organized and well-connected, and the rest of the sane people are not. It's bizarre, seeing conservatives as the "radical" ones these days. I mean, how are the sane people supposed to get organized if the woketards are monitoring everything? Although, that news about the Jews freaking out at being targeted as "white" by the woke mob and changing their tune might help. I guess it must suck to find out you're not a "protected class" anymore. You watch Nerdrotic too?! Oh cool! I love that guy! His ability to snark is awesome! The Friday Night Tights and Real BBC are fun to listen to, and the Forbidden Frontier stuff is fascinating, if somewhat weird and questionable. Just one more reason I would have loved to have gone back in time and made sure to arrange a fatal "accident" for him when he was snorting coke in "college." If you watch YouTube channels such as "Clownfish TV," "WDW Pro," and "That Park Place," you'll hear a lot about it. Investors are absolutely PISSED at Bob Iger right now. It got even worse after an attempt to oust him failed (he cheated in the voting, of course). Disney stocks are looking really bad right now. Only way you're gonna do that is if you had supernatural powers and several armies of invisible assassin robots at your beck and call. Robots that can sense people who are Woke, which would be quite a feat in and of itself. While I agree that the woketards should not be in charge of our entertainment, trying to get rid of them is gonna be next to impossible. Why, do you ask? Because the people in charge of much of Hollywood, the people in power, are woke, and are kissing the asses of the World Economic Forum, who is among many groups pushing this BS. I mean, how exactly are you gonna get rid of them? You can't fumigate the place, because you'd kill good people who were hidden among the bad ones. You can't fire them because you're not in charge, and they'd just come right back. So what can you do, realistically? Vote with your wallet. It's actually be working, but slowly. Several major movie studios are starting to have financial problems, including Disney and the BBC, who are responsible for this woke clown show you see before you. People aren't going to see their movies, people aren't buying their merchandise, people are cancelling their streaming subscriptions to Disney, they aren't watching Dr. Who at all, and they're going back to watching older material. The studios can blame others for their own mistakes all they want, but sooner or later, at the end of the day, the corporations running the movie industry are gonna tell them, "This is not working, we're not earning money, pull the woke plug or we will do it for you." What does he care? At the end of the day, no matter who is in the white house, he'll still be a rich bastard with a legacy to his name. Really? English isn't your first language? I can understand your words, it's just that I thought you were speaking off the top of your head, like a stream-of-consciousness kind of posting. Sort of a "think-as-you-type" kinda thing, sorting out your thoughts on screen. Sure. Just look at some legendary actors that never went to college. Or rich nepo-babies that get a high-level job in their relative's corporation. They don't even need to succeed at college, they just need the relative to be in charge, or close friends with the CEO, and pull some strings. I'll never forget in one scene, he's re-watching his wedding to his wife on a tv in his lair, one of his minions comes in with the latest newspaper trying to get his attention, he shoots the guy with his freeze gun, and says, "I hate it when people talk during the movie." lol ROFL!!!! Okay, your post wins the comedy jackpot today xD That can't be Rosie. That's Greg Proops's older, uglier brother masquerading as her. I always give misleading answers to questions like that. I mean, how are they supposed to know if we're lying? That entire concept sounds scary, because people in power could use it to "rewrite" history, hide away or destroy historical documents that disagree with it, and then trick people into thinking the AI-written trash is what really happened. Could you imagine how much fun people like Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Kim Jong Un would have had if such tech were in their hands? Talk about 1984 coming to fruition in real life! Except for the screaming, the hologram would have made more sense, but again, the scene feels superfluous because it's just re-doing the dialogue from the Greedo scene. Yes. I saw it happen with Ross Perot, though to be fair, looking back, Bob Dole was a monotone-talking moron. He probably would have made a terrible Republican president. Trouble was, many people were so angry at Clinton in the mid-90s for humiliating America on the international stage with lying about his stupid affair, and getting away with it when attempts to impeach him ended with a pardon. Many voters wanted to get rid of him using the next election, but the Democrats were ready with a trick they no doubt read about from when Roosevelt and Taft ran against each other in the late 1800s. It worked, and Slick Willy got a second term. Yeah, mom told me years ago that before we had the Democrats and Republicans, we had two different political parties that started with the 13 original colonies (leftovers from the two major political parties over in England in the 1700s). One group was loyal to the king, the other wanted independence and self-sufficiency. I can't remember which party stood for what, but the whigs were one of the leftovers from the Revolutionary era. I'll take a closer look, thanks :)