MovieChat Forums > Razorcandies

Razorcandies (86)


I don't understand the hate This movie is literally the only good thing Kevin James has ever done Ok when exactly is this coming to HBO Max? Why did Wendy and Danny even need to be at the hotel with Jack? We need more people like Ezra Miller in giant blockbusters Ok who's the joker who painted the fake eyebrows on his picture? Is this movie secretly about Gender Abolition? Curious to see how close I am Am I Mandela Effecting here or did the original trailer have vampires? Actually pretty thankful the Pilot was rejected. View all posts >


It's HBO Max or Criterion channel The rest have garbage. Max and Criterion consistently have great movie selections Nolan is an overrated shit director people only like because of Dark Knight which is only good because of Heath Ledger Oppenheimer if I had to guess has a soundtrack that bleeds over all the dialogue, the females are written terribly, it probably has a scene of someone giving a speech, it probably acts more important and pretentious then it actually is, there's probably the BRAAAM from Inception at some point Yes yes. I hate Communists and Nazi's But if Bernie released an ad with his face superimposed over a Hammer and Sickle he'd probably have lost worse then he did. He would be called a Communist for that. Just like having his face over the Black Sun will probably get DeSantis called a Nazi. There's a ZERO percentage chance he wins the presidential election. Look at what happened to Bernie's campaign. He attracted a ton of attention from extremists on the left but on election day the majority of the nation picked the moderate candidate. Trump is more moderate then DeSantis. The majority of Republicans aren't going to vote for the guy who's probably going to be associated with Nazis even if it wasn't his intention. All his opponents need to do is release attack ads with DeSantis's face over that Black Sun and it'll scare moderate Republicans from voting for him. It seems incredibly naive to think we could just wave a magic wand and have universal Healthcare in America overnight. The reality is those high fees go directly into funding medical research and creating state of the art hospital tech. If those funds go away we'd be losing a lot more then greedy insurance companies. I do get that its expensive. Nobody wants insurance. But you'd basically be taking that money away from curing diseases. Do you really think the government that's over spending on military already is going to push some of that into the medical field? No. It would end up grossly unfunded. And the increased taxes you pay for free Healthcare would go into other programs. Yea of course. Audiences are getting sick of seeing the same thing every year. Thats why Oppenheimer and Barbie are so big right now. He completely screwed over his movies legacy by revealing himself to be a horrible racist A Hole years later. The message I initially got was that Mookie directed the mobs violence towards Sal's pizzara to avoid something worse happening. Lee tho has come out and said if you don't like what happened and think Sal didn't deserve it you hate black people. Years later he would mistakenly dox someone he thought was George Zimmerman. Then afterwards had the sense to go after Tarantino for saying the N word in his scripts when that guy literally grew up in an extremely black ghetto area and probably just picked up there language and mannerisms from them. It takes 5 seconds for you to google What is the Black Sun. And see that's thr symbol they used. And then to see basically that symbol is used nowhere else. It's cut and dry. Guys. Just shut up lmao Nobodys campaign accidentally creates a video featuring the Black Sun superimposed over there candidates face. Just own him being a nazi. Nobody cares. His dumbass isn't going to win. Dude. His campaign retweeted this video Which it turns out they made. In it the message is basically Trump hasn't done anything about the LGBT or illegals but DeSantis will. Then the articles that flash are all about border patrol and closing down LGBT spaces. Then what looks like Nazis marching at the end with DeSantis face super imposed over a Black Sun which is basically the most well known nazi symbol next to the Swastika. What do you think the message of this ad was? What possible message do you think it could be implying? View all replies >