MovieChat Forums > FilmBoy

FilmBoy (1095)


Depp showed us his early version of Captain Jack Sparrow Unwatchable All of these new POTApes movies are too depressing Amazing Cinematography/Lighting/a la Film Noire, but the plot - c'mon (spoiler alert) The screwup brother is WAAAAYYY too annoying He's come a long way since the TV Show 'REAL PEOPLE' - his net worth = $800 million Stunt fighters were quite bad I wish McGregor did the 'arm swinging' walk. It would have added to his STRUT I had no idea this was filmed in 3D A different character perspective - from the guy at the Gas Station View all posts >


Sweater Swingers Yes - a natural actor. Let's hope growing up doesn't take that away from her. Reminds me of Natalie Portman in The Professional. Well she's had 2 centuries to practice - so maybe she's good enough. Fuck off - get a life, and stop posting BDAYS! Ya, I thought the Inspector was just playing along and setting a trap for Ripley - but nope. Ridiculous. Enough with the FUCKING birthdays already - get a life. If you have something relevant to post - great. If not - shut the hell up. NO ONE CARES about their birthdays, and if they did, they would look them up themselves. ...and I liked it tooooooo Ya, she's like a kid playing dressup. ...said Kelly LeBrock. Definitely MEH for me. View all replies >