MovieChat Forums > M1sterDoct0r

M1sterDoct0r (3901)


Do you miss "Water cooler shows"? Do you miss opening title sequences & songs for tv shows? Renewed for seasons 2 & 3 after 8 years... Are you a fan of Scooby Doo? Winners of the League Cup! A spinoff is happening Solid second season EXCEPT... Coulda picked people with better chemistry Another background noise movie A big name actor/star in a really really awful movie View all posts >


What does mine say? Honestly had no idea he was like that until last year when I discovered this awesome Youtube channel called ''It Was A Sh*t Show'' The video: BTW, he doesn't shit on films. He just looks at troubled productions And how making them was a shit show. Personally, I dislike actors or directors who are just jerks on set. Especially to the crew. I mean, c'mon man. These people are just working their 9-5. Sometimes day and night. This is a workplace. And I'm not talking about celebrities having a bad day. That's understandable. We've all been there The ones I don't care for are the ones that are pricks & get a pass cause they're "artistic" or are "method acting". No, man, you're just being an ass. I was referring to your comment about him not going on to greener pastures. Thinking maybe cause he's hard to work with, maybe? Isn't he an Asshole in real life? Keep hearing how hard he is to work with. Hey, all the good ones have been named. So, I'm gonna go with, Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) What? I know it's dumb but it's a fun time. Oh ya. Around 2008-2016. Loved how active it was. Could ask a question on an old ass movie/show & STILL get replies. I mostly just perused boards though. Especially old shows & films or actors I haven't seen in anything in a while Whenever I was bored, I'd legit just go through dozens of pages of posts/comments. Paul Greengrass. I like most of his films but hate his constant use of shaky cam and quick cuts. It's nauseating to watch. Same. That bit was easily the most entertaining part of the movie imo. The main plot was pretty meh. Couldn't get into Handmaid's tale. Too dreary & depressing for me. The Kid Detective genuinely surprised me. Was not expecting to enjoy it that much. Avoided any promos for it & had an absolute blast with it. 8.5/10 My week: Unicorn: Warrior's Eternal season 1 (2023 MAX) - From the creator of Samurai Jack & Primal. Not gonna lie, this one was a tad disappointing. Didn't live up to the trailer. The animation & world is pretty darn gorgeous & intriguing though. Hope it gets renewed for a second season 2. 7.5/10 I Also watch 4 Roald Dahl short stories directed by Wes Anderson for Netflix last year. They were not of the same quality. 1. The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar - Easily the best one of the bunch. Won the academy for best short film. 9/10 2. Poison - It was fine. Mostly entertaining. 7/10 3. The Swan - Did not enjoy this one. 5/10 4. The Rat Catcher - This & The Swan should been animated. Neither of them worked or were that enjoyable for me. 3/10 View all replies >