
DMT (3916)


Tattoos are for Low Level Criminals & Posers Jennifer has some HEALTHY TITS 😍 How to hide spoilers? You look a little Arabish in the face?!? Amazing Show, Generous Amount of Boobies What are the "Dark Figures"? United States of Israel Who did 9/11?!? Kinda Retarded but Fun Jewish Penis Mutilation View all posts >


It is the least dangerous drug but still smoking is bad, I guess you can eat it but that doesn't give the same "rush" as smoking and never got my rocks off. I been sober off the weed since the solar eclipse and feel great. Heavy smoker for 14 years but now am finally living life free from addiction. I loved the weed and maybe back one day when I am old and need it for pain but being off it is a high in of itself They make much money from the death and despair off us dispensable cattle probably Marriage is a modern scam, for man at least. Makes much more sense just to have a baby momma these days if you want to spread your genes. Child support is cheaper and after she gets old and ugly you can move onto your second or third baby momma without losing half your shit He isn't wrong, my country is nothing but brainwashed dumb muscle, cucked into doing the biddin of israhell "They" fund both sides of most wars, the dumb brainwashed goyum go into the fields of battle to die while "they" sit back and count the cheddar... Yes our country has gotten too weak and gay, what do you want faggot, more weakness?!? more gayness?!? Go to france.... probably the stat technician who works for the UN got honey potted by another Mossad sponsored Epstein like character and decided to change the numbers The criminal state of Israel loves using child sex slaves to incriminate and blackmail powerful subjects... Who would marry a pornstar?!? Paying one for a quick fuck like Mr. Trump did, I get, but marriage to a whore?!? I just don't understand.... He was the most pro israel president in the history also his bumpstock ban was incredibly unconstitutional and would have set a horrible precedent if the supreme court he elected didn't strike it down View all replies >