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Melton (2508)


What genre is this film? Adultery unclear? Director discusses feud with Stallone If you could be any race… Great premise ruined by woke? Booty and Da Beatz Is this a comedy about puberty blockers? Single Wide Female ‘Orange Juice Simpson’ View all posts >


Absurd nit-picks. If you’re going to be that anal then you’d need to tear into the first film - like why aren’t George and Lorraine gobsmacked that their son Marty looks and sounds identical to that amazing, mysterious guy who appeared to them in 1955 called ‘Marty’?? And there was plenty of darkness in BTTF - Marty’s siblings disappearing limb-by-limb in the photo was creepy af, as was his hand starting to vanish while he was playing guitar. And that’s before we address the mother-son incest and Marty’s plan to sexually molest his mother… Any ‘darkness’ in BTTF II pales compared to that shit. No, those first two films are perfect, I wouldn’t change a frame. It’s the third film that falls short by lacking much of the fun and invention of I and II, replacing it with a misjudged ‘Doc falls in love’ plotline. Because they’re confused and dumb. BTTF II is incredible, and one of the best sequels ever made. Even though it’s not quite as amazing as the first film, they’re both 10/10 masterpieces (with III a lesser but still healthy 7/10) The future world stuff is just awesome, and the postmodern return to the first film is genius, as is the ‘we’ve this letter for it 70 years’ ending. Probably to bring it under his ‘X’ umbrella of different companies. He’s building a mega-brand with many tentacles. Nobody buys your BS victim narrative, everyone can see you’re a pathetic crybully who cannot stand having their shitty behaviour called out, so you run to the Mods to have them censored. Your reputation was already in ruins and now you’ve revealed yourself to be the worst kind of authoritarian shitstain. Watching you pathetically try to claw back some respect after this is laughable. Ray was trying to provoke her and then follow her, to see if she panics and goes to communicate with her co-conspirators. Ray is not aware that Suzie is puppeteering him and everyone else. My two questions/issues with the plot: 1) Why would Kelly agree to go along with this? Surely she would say ‘fuck Suzie, we don’t need her, we can do this on our own Sam - I’ll accuse you of rape then admit it’s false in court, you get a payout from mom, we split it two ways instead of three.’ 2) Suzie’s motivation for exploiting and murdering Sam is bizarre. Of course she’s a Machiavellian genius but generally she’s out to destroy people who have attacked her (Ray murdered her friend Davey and imprisoned her, Kelly was constantly abusive and plotted to murder her), but Sam committed the crime of… being away and not being around to pick up the phone when Suzy went to jail for pot for a few months? That just seems way psychotic of Suzy and not in line with her general plan to punish evil people who fucked her over and reward the good people who look after her. It’s a weak espionage thriller, a decent comedy, but a top-level romance. That ending is pure gold. My suspicion is that the original idea was for him to look like the James Bond we all imagined, but then they thought he needed to be a better match for Terry, so they made him kinda scruffy with a mullet, and sports-casual attire. It kinda works, he’s a normal looking dude with a great voice. It’s a great romance with a superbly handled ending. The reveal and build-up to it is movie magic. Thomas Newman’s score is 🤌🏻 The comedy works well when it’s more subtle, mainly focusing on Goldberg and her reactions and delivery. When we get goofy caricatures and ‘madcap’ situations it doesn’t work as well. Same with the plot - when it’s more real-world director Penny Marshall is on surer footing. When she’s making an espionage thriller it becomes too cartoonish. All in all though it’s a very likeable slice of 80’s escapist fun with a great central performance from Whoopie Goldberg, who makes an unlikely great match with… Jonathan Pryce! Mod 5 saw straight through their bullshit so they moved on to Mod 4… who nuked it (even though he admits Skavau is a troll) It was inevitable, that’s how these little-commies operate - nagging daddy relentlessly until he censors/bans their political enemies and people who call out their shit. The thread did it’s job - Skavau has been exposed, his reputation is in ruins, and there are plenty of people keeping an eye on him should he start his passive-aggressive interrogation gaslighting routine again… Skavau, make a load of pathetic excuses for your atrocious behaviour - squealing to the Mods to get those who call out your evil shit censored - and showcase what a disgusting crybully looks like… View all replies >