AngryViking's Replies

I've been in a dungeon, does that count? You put your mouth on the anus? Kowalski pick saw. I don't know about that, but I wore furs to a raiding event. Are we talking about Ingmar or Sasgatchewan? There you go again. Ha ha you made funny. Don't tell your dad. He likes them up his butt. You seem obsessed with sticking things up your rectum. May I suggest sage? Is that like an axe X 1000%? What is a "chainsaw"? Let's see how he does against a Viking. Me too. Color of blood. 5. You get your horse high and it kicks you in the face. I would rather watch lesbians run with scissors than scissor with the runs. We must be neighbors How many axes do you own? 🪓 ⚒️ 🔨 🪓 ⚒️ 🔨 🪓 ⚒️ 🔨 🪓 What is your favorite place to raid? I was doing great until I read this. Now my day is ruined.